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WHEREAS, there is a potential demand and market for the sale of raw milk based on personal preferences; and

WHEREAS, the sale of raw milk is currently permitted in most European countries, Australia, and about one-third (1/3) of the states in the U.S.; and

WHEREAS, direct marketed raw milk may provide a potential boon to the dairy industry because direct consumer sales could allow dairy farmers increased profits and higher prices for raw milk over pasteurized milk; specifically, producers receive approximately $1 per gallon of pasteurized milk, while raw milk can command prices between $5 to $9 a gallon, according to the Northeast Organic Farming Association and the Garden State Dairy Goat Association; and

WHEREAS, many New Jersey consumers who wish to purchase raw milk are traveling to Pennsylvania and New York, who currently permit raw milk sales; and

WHEREAS, permitting the sale of raw milk in the State of New Jersey would help increase profitability for some dairy farmers, while filling a niche market that is developing among consumers; and

WHEREAS, health risks have been associated with the consumption of raw milk, including exposure to E. Coli and Salmonella; and

WHEREAS, a study needs to be conducted in order to ascertain whether these significant health risks can be mitigated through regulation of the production, handling and sale of raw milk in New Jersey.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the delegates to the 92nd State Agricultural Convention, assembled in Atlantic City, New Jersey, on February 14, 2007, request the NJDA to conduct a study on the economic impact, feasibility and health risks associated with the sale of raw milk in the State of New Jersey.