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The Division of Clean Energy (Division) manages and coordinates cross-cutting issues within the BPU related to energy and economic development.


The Division is comprised of a variety of offices and also oversees numerous projects and initiatives including:

Division Of Clean Energy (DCE)
photoAlt New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program (NJCEP), administered through the DCE, promotes energy efficiency programs and the development of clean, renewable sources of energy including solar, wind, geothermal, combined heat and power (CHP) and sustainable biomass. The goal of the DCE is to lower energy costs, reduce demand for electricity, emit fewer pollutants into the air and create jobs. Through its programs, the DCE offers education, outreach and financial incentives to residential, commercial businesses and industry, schools and governmental customers.

NJCEP is a statewide program which promotes technologies that save electricity and natural gas, and increase the amount of electricity generated from clean, renewable resources and distributed forms of generation. New Jersey has instituted a number of successful initiatives that help to reduce the State’s peak energy demand, conserve finite resources and transform the marketplace for the next generation of electricity and natural gas supply technologies. Incentives are available to offset the initial cost of energy conservation measures and renewable energy technologies for ratepayers. Programs are comprehensive and complementary, and focus on providing technical and financial assistance and provide project development assistance from information on best practices to rebate payments and financing tools.

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Office Of Clean Energy Equity (OCEE)
Established in 2020, The Office of Clean Energy Equity (OCEE) oversees the equitable deployment of clean energy technologies and energy efficiency programs, ensuring access for all residents, including New Jersey’s low and moderate-income (LMI) communities.


The office works with other New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) teams to develop and implement programs through an equity lens, while leveraging the many existing Division of Clean Energy programs that aim to serve overburdened communities.  The OCEE leads the Equity Working Groups and other key energy efficiency initiatives, focusing on equitable access and participation in energy efficiency programs to ensure equitable access to all residents.  The OCEE is also responsible for the development of plans to expansion of diversity in workforce development and to help establish appropriate targets and benchmarks as necessary for clean energy programs to ensure equity.

Energy Master Plan (EMP)
photoAlt New Jersey’s Energy Master Plan Statute, N.J.S.A. 52:27F-14, was enacted in 1977 as a response to the energy crisis of the mid-1970s. The statute called for a “master plan” for the “production, distribution, and conservation of energy in New Jersey.”

The Division is responsible for the coordination of the EMP.  This process includes drafting a plan or plan update, facilitating public comment, working with Rutgers Center for Energy, Economic, and Environmental Policy (CEEEP) to develop and update the date needed to support the plan and  monitoring and reporting on plan implementation.

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