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Fish Rescue at Greenwood Lake Dam

As has happened in past years, heavy rains this spring resulted in large game fish being swept over the dam at Greenwood Lake and into the Wanaque River. Fortunately for many of the fish - and the anglers who pursue them - division staff from the Hackettstown Hatchery and volunteers from Muskies Inc. Chapter 22 and the division's Wildlife Conservation Corps were able to respond.

Working downstream of the dam, the team electroshocked a stretch of the river holding the fish. A total of 234 walleyes weighing four pounds to ten pounds, and six muskies measuring 35 inches to 42 inches, were netted, transported and then released back into Greenwood Lake.

For accounts of rescues at this same location the 2005 and 2007, see Operation Fish Rescue (2005) and 2007 Fish Rescue Operation.

Click on the images below to enlarge.

Volunteer with rescued muskellunge
A Muskies, Inc. member with a net full of walleyes.
Click to enlarge
Crew working below dam
Electroshocking crew working upstream toward the Greenwood Lake dam.
Crew electroshocking river
Working a deep pool in the Wanaque River.
Muskie transer to truck
Muskies Inc. member transfers a large muskie to the awaiting tanker.
Muskie ready for release
Muskies Inc. member and Hatchery Technician Ron Jacobsen ready to return muskie to Greenwood Lake.
Walleye about to be released
Ron Jacobsen releasing walleye back into Greenwood Lake
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Copyright © State of New Jersey, 1996-2005
Department of Environmental Protection
P. O. Box 402
Trenton, NJ 08625-0402

Last Updated: May 4, 2010
