State of New Jersey
Executive Order #122

Governor Christine Todd Whitman

WHEREAS, the management of geographic information about the character and location of the State's natural and cultural resources, and the human and economic activities that affect and are affected by those resources, is essential to all levels of government in the State of New Jersey; and

WHEREAS, there is a need to coordinate activities in geographic information systems in order to better exchange and share information and to enhance the stewardship of geographic information in the management of public resources; and

WHEREAS, the availability of Statewide geographic information and the coordinated use of geographic information systems will assist in implementing Statewide initiatives, such as the State Development and Redevelopment Plan; and

WHEREAS, the current State Mapping Advisory Committee, a volunteer organization, has been engaged in a variety of educational, communications and information sharing activities; and

WHEREAS, State agencies operate under the principles and take the actions set forth in the New Jersey State Agency Partnership Agreement for Geographic Information Resources; and

WHEREAS, there is a need to develop standards, policies, and guidelines for the development and sharing of geographic information for use by the State, other units of government, and private and non-profit entities; and

WHEREAS, there is a need to avoid duplication of effort so as to reduce the costs that would otherwise be incurred if each organization developed its own geographic information system capabilities independently; and

WHEREAS, there is a need to establish a forum to discuss, evaluate and resolve issues related to geographic information; and

WHEREAS, there is a need to plan and prioritize the development of publicly funded data, define the roles and responsibilities for data stewardship, and formulate policies for the access and distribution of data; and

WHEREAS, there is a need to initiate a geographic information clearinghouse in order to consolidate data into libraries, integrate data into common formats, and distribute data to users; and

WHEREAS, there is a need to provide education, training, and support for users of geographic information toward the better management of public resources;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHRISTINE TODD WHITMAN, Governor of the State of New Jersey, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and by the Statutes of this State, do hereby order and direct:

1. There is established the New Jersey Geographic Information Council (hereinafter referred to as the "Council") in the Office of Information Technology.

2. The Council shall consist of eleven (11) members as follows:

(a) The New Jersey Chief Information Officer, or a designee, who shall serve ex-officio.

(b) The Executive Director of the Office of Legislative Services, or a designee, who shall serve ex-officio; and

(c) Nine (9) public members shall be directly appointed by the Governor for terms of one year, and shall include two representatives from the private sector, one representative from the State Agency Geographic Information Systems Committee, one representative of the federal government, one representative of a county government, one representative of a municipal government, one representative of a regional planning organization, one representative of a non-profit organization, and one representative of an institution of higher education.

3. The Council shall organize and meet as soon as practicable after the appointment of a majority of its members. The Governor shall appoint a Chairperson and ViceChairperson. Each member shall hold office for the term of appointment and until his or her successor is appointed and qualified. A member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring on the Council for any reason other than the expiration of the term shall have a term of appointment for the unexpired term only. A member may be appointed for any number of consecutive terms. The members shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as members.

4. The Council shall, subject to law:

(a) develop policies, standards and guidelines for the development and use of geographic information resources and systems technology for use by State and local government agencies, and private and non-profit entities, consistent with the purposes and objectives of this Executive Order;

(b) coordinate the use of geographic information resources and systems technologies to minimize redundancy and improve public administration;

(c) develop a Statewide implementation plan for geographic information systems; and

(d) promote collaboration and the sharing of geographic data and and technology.

5. There is established the Office of Geographic Information Systems in the Office of Information Technology.

6. The Office of Geographic Information Systems shall, subject to law:

(a) coordinate the implementation of geographic information systems across State agencies, and ensure the adoption and use of consistent policies and standards to optimize the use of geographic information systems technology and geographic information;

(b) oversee the development and implementation of a Statewide geographic information Cclearinghouse;

(c) assist State agencies in developing and improving geographic information systems capacity, and coordinate training and education for State agencies;

(d) serve as the State's liaison with national geographic information systems organizations and initiatives; and

(e) provide administrative staff support to the Council.

7. This Order shall take effect immediately.

GIVEN, under my hand and seal,
this 3oth day of January in the Year
of Our Lord, Two Thousand and One,
and of the Independence of the United
States, Two Hundred and Twenty-Fifth.

/s/ Christine Todd Whitman

Robert E. Fabricant Chief
Counsel to the Governor