N.J. State Commission of Investigation

New Jersey Detective Agency

Pursuing its statutory authority to provide oversight of the state's law enforcement system, the Commission examined an obscure entity known as the New Jersey Detective Agency and concluded that its members-handgun-carrying civilians who believe they have full police powers - pose a distinct danger to the community. The Commission's central recommendation - that the NJDA be abolished - was endorsed by the Governor and by top law enforcement officials, including the Attorney General and the Superintendent of the State Police.

To download and read the entire report please click here.


50 West State St. 14th Floor
P.O. Box 045
Trenton, NJ 08625-0045
Tel (609) 292-6767 Fax (609) 633-7366

50 West State St. 14th Floor
P.O. Box 045
Trenton, NJ 08625-0045
Tel (609) 292-6767 Fax (609) 633-7366