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The New Jersey agricultural community plays a vital role in biosecurity /security/ terrorism and the detection of potential animal/agricultural diseases or pests. Should an event occur, it is paramount for the problem to be contained immediately. It is not only the public’s trust in its food supply that is at stake. One incident of foreign animal disease, exotic pest or bioterrorism in certain crops or livestock products can result in great losses of life and economic losses to the industry and to the state as well.

The New Jersey Department of Agriculture has developed a series of best management practices, specific to the various sectors of the farm community, to address biosecurity /security/ terrorism. Many of the steps listed in the best management practices place a greater emphasis on standard operating procedures for the farm, while others are new or innovating strategies designed to maintain farm safety and security. The best management practices will enable farmers to take proactive measures to protect their workers and their operations and, by doing so, to protect their livelihoods and keep the Garden State safe.

The best management practices are divided into two components: a poster, and a checklist. The poster is a “call for action” and is intended for the farm workers. It serves as an everyday reminder of what people should do to be alert, be secure, be clean and who to notify and call, relating to biosecurity/security and terrorism. It provides specific brief guidelines under bold, easy to remember themes in order to be aware of and implement biosecurity /security measures as an overall part of farm safety. The checklist expands upon the brief guidelines in the poster and outlines the critical recommendations that should be followed and developed into a plan.

While many of the guidelines mentioned are already being embraced by the farm community, and a few might not be applicable to all farms, the biosecurity/ security/ terrorism measures need to be incorporated into the farm community, everyday, by everyone, at all levels, to keep farming and farm products safe.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the delegates to the 90th State Agricultural Convention, assembled in Atlantic City, New Jersey on January 24-26, 2005, in order to keep New Jersey’s agricultural products safe, its industry competitive, and consumer confidence high, call upon the agricultural community to embrace these best management practices, and in corporate the procedures into their farming practices to help prevent accidental introduction of disease and reduce the risk of becoming a target for terrorist activities.

, that the delegates urge that farming operations and livestock owners and producers across New Jersey implement the endorsed best management practices appropriate to their farm operations.