FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, July 16,2020

2019-2020 Annual Fire Safety Poster Contest Carried Out Despite COVID-19

Trenton, NJ – The New Jersey Division of Fire Safety (NJDFS) and the New Jersey Fire Prevention and Protection Association (NJFPPA) sponsored the 2019-2020 Scholastic Fire Safety Poster Contest awarding 26 students congratulatory certificates for their participation.

“Governor Murphy and I offer congratulations to all of the students who participated and were recognized for their outstanding art work and contributions to promoting fire safety in New Jersey,” said Lt. Governor Sheila Oliver, who serves as Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs. “We are very proud of their efforts!”

Despite the contest having to be modified due to the COVID-19 state of emergency, the Division was able to carry it out remotely citing the importance of promoting fire safety messaging, especially with many school age children being at home for distance learning.

“These are unprecedented times but the scourge of fire in our communities endures despite the pandemic. Any effort we can make at this time to increase the awareness of fire safety is worth it. We thank this year’s participant students and invite them, if they are eligible, to join us as we kickoff the 2020-2021 Fire Safety Poster Contest,” says Richard H. Mikutsky, State Fire Marshal and Director of the Division of Fire Safety.

Each contest entrant received a Participation Certificate along with a congratulatory letter signed by Division Director Mikutsky and NJFPPA President Richard Silvia. The Division of Fire Safety and Department of Community Affairs (DCA) will feature a sampling of the submissions that were received this year on their social media pages, which can be found here:

NJ Division of Fire Safety on Twitter: NJ Department of Community Affairs on Facebook: NJ Department of Community Affairs on Twitter: NJ Department of Community Affairs on Instagram:

The theme for the 2020-2021 scholastic contest corresponds with the theme for National Fire Prevention Week (October 4-11), which is “Serve Up Fire Safety in the Kitchen.” Students will be asked to create their own poster based on the theme for the competition. Full Rules and Entry Forms as well as all 21 County Poster Coordinator contacts can be found on the Division’s web page:

The Division of Fire Safety serves as the central fire service agency in the state. The Division is responsible for the development and enforcement of the State Uniform Fire Code, as well as engaging the public on community risk reduction strategies, assisting in fire department preparedness and conducting firefighter training programs.

DCA was established in 1967 and today offers a wide range of programs and services, including energy assistance, housing vouchers, affordable housing production, fire and building safety, community planning and development, local government management and finance, and disaster recovery.

For more information about DCA, visit or follow the Department on social media: 


   DCa on Twitter


Tammori Petty
Gina Trish
Lisa Ryan

(609) 292-6055