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State of New Jersey-Department of Environmental Protection-Coastal Management Program
State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
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New Jersey Coastal Atlas
Interactive Mapping and Planning Tools
Coastal Restoration and Living Shoreline
living shoreline projects

Ecological Solutions and Living Shoreline Projects - Maps and spatial information provided here highlight ongoing Ecological Solutions and Living Shoreline projects in New Jersey coastal communities. Project goals are to increase the resiliency of tidal marshes and beaches to the impacts to changing sea heights and more frequent and intense storms to ensure these habitats are providing the full suite of ecosystem services to the wildlife and human communities within the project areas.

shoreline change

Shoreline Change- NJDEP is focusing work on monitoring shoreline change in an effort to understand where and why estuarine shoreline is being lost. These efforts could help make better decisions about how to restore these vital ecosystems and preserve their capacity to protect against coastal hazards.

NOAA Office of Coastal Management-Restoration Atlas

NOAA Office of Coastal Management – Restoration Atlas is focused on restoration projects  in coastal communities . This map application provides spatial information related to coastal restoration. 

TNC Restoration Explorer

TNC Restoration Explorer supports spatial planning innovation to hazard risk, resilience and adaption issues. This is a global network providing access to peer practitioners, tools, information and training on nature – based solutions.

Marsh Migration Index

The Marsh Migration Index (MMI) is a predictive spatial tool to provide coastal communities with easily accessible information to inform local and regional living shore planning. The MMI is a series of maps representing an analysis that will assist in showing where coastal marshes will retreat in response to rising sea levels.



Coastal Ecosystem Services for Mid-Atlantic States | The Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions (

Maps and spatial information provided here highlight ongoing work by Duke University, Nicholas Institute in collaboration with North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, and New York showing coastal habitats’ contribution to coastal protection and blue carbon storage in the Mid - Atlantic States.

Coastal Ecological Restoration and Adaptation Plan

Coastal Ecological Restoration and Adaptation Plan

The CERAP will identify areas of New Jersey’s coast for future restoration, enhancement, or preservation to meet the goal of improved ecosystem health, community resilience and carbon sequestration.

Reference Wetland Tool was developed by the Riparia at Penn State and NJDEP for New Jersey's tidal wetlands

New Jersey Reference Wetland Tool

This Reference Wetland Tool was developed by the Riparia at Penn State and NJDEP for New Jersey's tidal wetlands. Data from extensive wetland monitoring and assessment conducted within New Jersey, including the National Wetland Condition Assessment (NWCA); Mid-Atlantic Coastal Wetland Assessment (MACWA); Ecological Integrity Assessment (EIA); and other research are summarized in this tool, displaying the range in condition for tidally influenced wetlands (freshwater, brackish, saline) across the state. The tool displays information about wetlands of varying conditions as well as those that are reference standard – sites that are the least disturbed and in best condition – for setting appropriate goals for wetland restoration projects.






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Last Updated: June 5, 2024