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Project WILD and Aquatic WILD in New Jersey

Due to insufficient staffing levels, open enrollment workshops are no longer offered. However, schools and school districts, nature centers or groups of 10 or more educators wishing to receive training in this guide should e-mail
More Information (National Project WILD)

The Goal of the Program

The goal of the Project WILD, WILD Aquatic and WILD School Sites programs, is to assist learners of any age in developing awareness, knowledge, skills, and commitment to result in informed decisions, responsible behavior and constructive actions concerning wildlife and the environment upon which life depends. These programs are conducted in cooperation with the National Project WILD office.

The Materials

Project WILD and WILD Aquatic activity guides contain hands-on activities that teachers use with their K-12 students. The activities take students from awareness to action. Activities are designed to be incorporated into most major subject areas, strengthening basic skills while teaching about wildlife. Many of the activities can be used to meet state standards for core course proficiencies. The activities are supplementary and to not displace any subject. Project WILD is an award winning program, thoroughly tested and evaluated.

Project WILD activities have also been correlated to sites within the NJ Wildlife Viewing Guide. The correlations are available on-line (pdf, 40kb).

WILD School Sites materials include “Homes for Wildlife”, “Taking Action” and “WILD School Sites”. These references provide information to help teachers lead action projects on the school grounds with their students. WILD School Sites materials complement not only Project WILD but Project Learning Tree, Bridges to the Natural World and other education programs.

The Workshop

Activity guides are only available through workshops. The workshop process not only provides teachers with more information than they might receive by simply reading the guides, but also develops a commitment to use the materials. Around the nation and in New Jersey, teachers have consistently rated the workshops as good to excellent.
Workshops are held weekdays, weekends, or after school over the course of 2 or 3 sessions. They can be held at an environmental education center, a school or any facility with an indoor and outdoor space.

Workshops are a minimum of 6 hours and may be held for up to 25 educators. The workshop consists of activities led by a facilitator, and a peer teaching component as well. Curriculum planning time and networking are included.

The cost of a workshop is nominal. Books and other teaching materials are provided by the Division of Fish and Wildlife.

Teachers at facilitator training
Teachers enjoy learning the "Oh, Deer" activity at a facilitator training.

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Copyright © State of New Jersey, 1996-2019
Department of Environmental Protection
P. O. Box 402
Trenton, NJ 08625-0402

Last Updated: December 31, 2019