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New Jersey and National Registers of Historic Places

NJ Cultural Resources GIS

LUCY 2.0 Online Map Viewer

LUCY 2.0
User Guide

(PDF Format)


The New Jersey Historic Preservation Office (HPO) has developed a Cultural Resources Geographic Information System (CRGIS) to record the location and extent of cultural resources in our statewide inventory. Begun in 1997 with the inception of a pilot project in Gloucester and Salem counties, HPO has achieved several milestones in the CRGIS program over the years, including:

  • USGS Quadrangles scanned and georeferenced: 2004-2005
  • NJ Register listings digitized: 2005
  • Highlands Region resources digitized: 2006
  • Surveyed resources digitizing initiated: 2011
  • Hurricane Sandy windshield survey program: 2012
  • Enterprise Geo-Database Versioning: 2014

HPO continues to develop the CRGIS database by recording the daily outcomes of compliance and registration activities, and converting legacy data in HPO’s extensive report collection. (See below for additional details about accessing the CRGIS database and general GIS information.)


HPO’s Cultural Resources Geographic Information System (CRGIS) database is available for public use through any of the following sources:

LUCY: NJ CRGIS Online Map Viewer: The New Jersey Historic Preservation Office (HPO) is pleased to provide LUCY 2.0, an updated and revised online viewer for New Jersey's cultural resources inventory. LUCY fullfils an important mandate to disseminate cultural resources inventory data to constituents and the public. The updated application expands the list of available data layers, provides lists of related reports and typologies, and provides tools for better search and export of cultural resources data. Use the following links to access LUCY:

NJ Geoweb: An online GIS application combining environmental map layers into a single integrated map. Profiles have been developed to address the needs of specific user communities, including a Historic Preservation Profile. Use the following links to access NJ Geoweb 3.0:

NJ OIT Open Data Platform: The NJ Office of Information Technology (OIT) hosts an open data platform from which GIS data can be linked, or downloaded for use off-line. Each of HPO’s GIS layers and associated metadata can be accessed through this data portal. Use the following links to access the CRGIS layers:

What is GIS?


A geographic information system (GIS) lets us visualize, question, analyze, and interpret data to understand relationships, patterns, and trends. GIS benefits organizations of all sizes and in almost every industry. There is a growing interest in and awareness of the economic and strategic value of GIS.

For a general overview of GIS and its principles, see NJ DEP’s Bureau of GIS Frequently Asked Questions page.



What is CRGIS?


The HPO has defined the following layers to represent cultural resources in
GIS applications:

  • Historic District Polygons,
  • Historic Property Polygons,
  • Historic Property Feature Points, and
  • Archaeological Site Grid.

The data provided in these layers represents historic resources that:

  1. Are National Historic Landmarks (NHL)
  2. Are included in the NJ and/or National Registers of Historic Places (LISTED)
  3. Have formal determinations of eligibility for inclusion in the Registers (ELIGIBLE)
  4. Have been designated as local landmarks and districts by municipalities (LOCAL)
  5. Have been documented and evaluated through cultural resources survey efforts statewide (IDENTIFIED).

    Note: These layers also include resources no longer considered as historic, that:

  6. Have been formally determined not-eligible for inclusion in the Registers (NOT ELIGIBLE)
  7. Have been formally de-listed and removed from the NJ and/or National Registers of Historic Places (DELISTED).

It is important to note:

  • Not all resources in each of these categories have yet been digitized into the CRGIS database.
  • Most features in these datasets represent categories 1, 2, and 3 above. HPO is still in the process of comprehensive digitizing for categories 4 and 5.
  • These datasets are not exclusionary; additional historic resources may exist which are as yet unidentified, unrecorded, or undocumented.


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Copyright © State of New Jersey, 2024
Department of Environmental Protection
P. O. Box 402
Trenton, NJ 08625-0402

Last Updated: March 11, 2021