meetings & activities

Next meeting

The Board of Trustees of the NJ Natural Lands Trust is scheduled to meet on September 20, 2024. Specific notice of the time, location, and agenda, to the extent known, will be posted here approximately one week before the meeting date. In addition, notice will be provided in three newspapers of general circulation and to the New Jersey Secretary of State in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act.

past meetings

financial Statements

Spending Authorizations

Groups Receiving More Than $17,500

Attorneys, advisors, consultants, and any other person, firm, business, partnership, corporation, or other organization which received any remuneration of $17,500 or more during the preceding fiscal year for any service whatsoever rendered to the New Jersey Natural Lands Trust:

Center for Aquatic Sciences – To provide educational programming and volunteer management, Petty’s Island Preserve - $23,352