Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:3-2;
the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), NJ Forest
Service, maintains a list of foresters approved to annually
attest that a landowner is in compliance with the woodland
management plan and program. This is an additional requirement
for certain woodland owners to qualify their woodlands for
Farmland Assessment values.
Updated ACF List: March 20, 2020
To be included on the list an approved forester
must: have graduated from a four year college or university
accredited by the Society
of American Foresters with a major course in forest management
or have completed the Cook College-Rutgers University forest
management option within the natural resource management curriculum
or have a graduate degree that the DEP determines to be equivalent
to the aforementioned major course work in forest management.
Must have two years experience in the preparation of woodland
management plans of the implementation of forestry practices
for the protection, development, marketing, and utilization
of forest land resources; and abide by the Society of American
Forester's code of Ethics.
Approved Foresters are professionally trained
to assist landowners to clarify their objectives and to prepare
and implement forest management plans that will achieve those
objectives. Their work is provided on a fee or contract basis,
and their services are available to the general public.
Fees charged by a consulting forester may
be based on an hourly or daily rate, acreage of the forest,
or a contract price based on a percentage of gross revenues
from the sale of forest products. Many variables - distance,
size of tract, boundary line designation (marking), location,
terrain, site, stand conditions and landowner's objectives,
to name a few - are determining factors in establishing a
fee. Therefore, consulting fees for management services not
only can vary between consultants but also must necessarily
vary tract to tract and area to area.
Costs should be one consideration in choosing
a consultant but a forester's experience, past performance
record and understanding of the client's objectives are also
important factors.
Compilation and distribution of this list
in no way infers that the Bureau of Forest Management attempts
to quarantee the professional competence or quality of performance
of approved foresters beyond those requirements to be included
on the list. It is provided to assist landowners in obtaining
certification by an approved forester that their woodlands
are in compliance with the filed woodland management plan
in accordance with N.J.A.C. 18:15-2.7.
A list of Approved Foresters can be obtained
by calling or emailing
your regional office.
The list can also be downloaded
as an Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format) file.
You will need Adobe Acrobat to view this file.
The following list of services that can be performed by a
Professional Forester:
- Timber Inventory and Appraisal
- Forest Management Plan Preparation
- Reforestation/Tree Planting Assistance
- TSI - Timber Stand Improvement
- Firewood Marketing and Management
- Timber Sale Administration - includes marking,selling
and supervising sale of timber and other forest products.
- Forest Insect and Disease Control
- Christmas Tree Management
- Forest Wildlife Management
- Forest Taxation and Finance (To become familiar with the
tax code visit the "National
Timber Tax Website")
- Tree Farm Inspection and Recertification (free of charge)