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Guidance Documents Low-Flow Purging & Sampling Guidance (December 2003)


Low-Flow Purging & Sampling Guidance
(December 2003)

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The procedures in this guidance document are specific to Low-Flow Purging and Sampling (LFPS) of monitor wells in New Jersey. These procedures were developed in consideration of the USEPA-Region I guidance document dated July 30, 1996 (41 Kb PDF) and the USEPA-Region II guidance document dated March 16, 1998. In addition, the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, Book 9, National Field Manual for the Collection of Water-Quality Data was consulted. The reader is encouraged to review these guidance documents prior to performing LFPS. The procedures provided in the USEPA and USGS guidance must be followed except where they differ from the information provided below.

Table of Contents

A. Method Summary and Application

  1. Introduction
  2. Low Flow Policy
  3. Laboratory Certification (N.J.A.C. 7:18)

B. Specific LFPS Considerations

  1. Pump Intake Location
  2. Water Quality Indicator Parameters (WQIPs)
  3. Purge Volume vs. Stabilization Time
  4. Tubing
  5. Flow-Through Cell
  6. Pump Selection
  7. Plumbing Fittings
  8. Calibration of Probes
  9. Water Level Measurements
  10. Pump Installation
  11. Purge Rates
  12. Sampling
  13. Pump Decontamination
  14. Field Blank Collection
  15. Tips
  16. Low Flow Purging and Sampling for Low Yielding Well

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