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Guidance Documents Low-Flow Purging & Sampling Guidance (December 2003)Part 2


Low-Flow Purging and Sampling
B. Specific LFPS Considerations

  1. Pump Intake Location

    When LFPS is performed correctly, the data being collected should be a snapshot of a narrow zone along a length of well screen or fracture in an open borehole. For these reasons, it is important to place the pump intake in the zone of highest contaminant concentration or contaminant flux along the screened/open-hole interval. This is particularly important in wells constructed with more than 5 feet of well screen.

    Information to be considered when selecting the pump intake depth should include: 1) evidence of soil/sediment contamination from boring logs; 2) soil/sediment sampling analytical results; 3) vertical profiles of groundwater and soil contamination developed from direct-push sampling and field-screening techniques; and; 4) lithology/stratigraphy, particularly the permeability of the aquifer materials.

    Typically, the most permeable zones are selected for the pump intake location since the majority of contaminant mass will be transported through them, particularly as the plume migrates downgradient of the source area. Identification of these zones may be made from borehole geophysical data, (e.g., resistivity, fluid conductance, or natural gamma logging, etc.) and hydraulic conductivity data or grain-size analyses. The use of a series of passive-diffusion-bag samplers in a well may also help to identify the zone of highest VOC contamination. The physical/chemical behavior of the contaminants of concern should be considered when determining the pump intake depth . For example, gasoline-related contaminants may be present near the water table while chlorinated VOCs may be present deeper in the aquifer. If a well is contaminated by both types of contaminants, both may need to be sampled, each from a discrete sampling interval.

    As discussed above, LFPS is not an option in wells with screened intervals that exceed 5 feet in length, unless multiple sample locations at five-foot intervals along the screen/borehole are investigated. Monitor wells screened across zones of significant geologic heterogeneity or open boreholes in fractured rock may be subject to significant vertical flow. Under those conditions, use of packers to isolate specific zones should be considered.

  2. Water Quality Indicator Parameters (WQIPs)
  3. For groundwater investigations in New Jersey utilizing LFPS, the following parameters must be measured in order to determine when well stability has been achieved prior to sampling. Their respective measurements must fall within the stated range for three consecutive readings. If the anticipated "third" reading of any individual parameter does not fall within the stated range, then the process to achieve three consecutive readings for that parameter must be restarted. If, after four hours, stability has not been achieved for the parameters listed below, follow the recommendations above.

    Water Level Drawdown < 0.3 ft*
      pH plus or minus 0.1 unit
      Specific Conductance plus or minus 3%
      Temperature plus or minus 3%
      Dissolved Oxygen plus or minus 10%
      Turbidity plus or minus 10% for values greater than 1 NTU
      ORP/Eh plus or minus 10 millivolts
      * During pump start-up, drawdown may exceed the 0.3-ft target and then recover as flow-rate adjustments are made. In wells with short screens (i.e., 5 to 10 ft long) or when sampling for gasoline constituents at the water table, it is much more important to limit the drawdown to less than 0.3 ft, for example, than a well with 15 ft of screen being sampled for metals only with the pump intake set in a permeable zone 5 ft or more below the water table. When sampling groundwater for VOCs and SVOCs, aerating the water by allowing it to cascade down the inside of the well should be avoided. Therefore, drawdown should not expose the screen more than 0.3 ft below the static water level in the well.

    Measurements should be taken once every 5 to 6 minutes. This interval is based upon the time it takes for purge water to replace one flow-through-cell volume (generally 250 ml) and the time it takes to measure and record the data. If the purge rate decreases or if the flow cell volume is increased, the time required for purge water replacement will increase. Forms at the end of this document should be used to record drawdown and the WQIPs.

    WQIP measurements must be collected in a manner that will insure integrity of the data being collected. To insure consistency of the data, consideration of the following must be made: 1) tubing diameter, length, and material of construction; 2) flow-through cell design, capacity, decontamination, and "purge-train" set-up; 3) pump selection and plumbing fittings; 4) calibration of flow-through cell probes; 5) purge rate; and, 6) water-level-measurement technique.

  1. Purge Volume vs. Stabilization Time

    In some cases, it may take considerable time to achieve stabilization of the WQIPs. In other cases, they may never stabilize. However, as provided in USEPA guidance, the following options are available if stability has not been achieved after FOUR hours of purging: 1) continue purging until stabilization occurs, no matter how long it takes; 2) discontinue purging, do not collect a sample and document the attempts to reach stabilization; or 3) discontinue purging, collect a sample and document the attempts to reach stabilization. In situations where WQIPs do not stabilize, the sampler must document that LFPS could not be performed and document in the report how the samples were collected.

    While every effort should be taken to assure that all of the WQIPs stabilize prior to sample collection, one should keep in mind that the stabilization of some WQIPs may be more difficult to achieve than others. Also, achieving stabilization of some WQIPs may be more important with respect to some contaminant types (e.g., metals versus VOCs, etc.) than others. For example, total metals concentrations tend to increase with increasing turbidity of a water sample due to sorption of metals on solids in the water. Similarly, VOC concentrations may be affected by dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations (i.e., whether the groundwater is aerobic or anaerobic). In addition to providing information on the effectiveness of LFPS, collection of accurate DO data also aids in the evaluation of monitored natural attenuation (MNA) of VOC plumes. Similarly, temperature data can provide useful information regarding the sampling method. For example, temperature increases resulting from dissipation of heat generated by the submersible pump or from exposure of the tubing to excessive heat at the ground surface can have a significant impact on VOC concentrations in water samples.

    If, for whatever reason, a WQIP is not accurately measured during the monitoring process or a certain WQIP does not stabilize, and that particular WQIP is not significant with respect to the type of contaminant of concern, sample collection may still proceed. For example, if DO data do not stabilize but all of the other WQIPs including drawdown and turbidity stabilize and samples will be collected for metals only, then the samples may be collected. However, any WQIPs that are affected by field conditions or instrument malfunction, must be discussed in the text of the report in order to alert the end-user of potential data bias. If questions arise regarding when stabilization occurs, the sampler should contact the Department’s assigned case manager for the site, if any, either prior to (preferably) or when performing LFPS.

  2. Tubing

    The inside diameter (ID) of tubing should be no greater than three-eighths of an inch ( 3/8-in). Quarter-inch (1/4-in) tubing is preferred. Larger tubing diameters reduce flow velocity resulting in a corresponding increase of pump speeds to maintain flow. Increased pump speed will, in turn, elevate the potential for turbulent flow across the screened interval and this may affect the quality of the water being sampled. Conversely, any reduction in flow velocity may allow air to become trapped in the tubing, which may ultimately affect air-sensitive parameters or allow particulates to settle, which may affect turbidity values.

    The length of tubing, from the top of the well casing to the flow-through chamber, should be the shortest length manageable. Attention to this detail will help ensure that: 1) exposure to ambient temperature, direct sunlight, and bubble formation are kept to a minimum, and 2) deposited solids or air bubbles will less likely be trapped in tubing bends and re-mobilized after accidental movement. Occurrence of any one or combination of these factors can cause variations in WQIP measurements, which could increase stabilization time. Therefore, tubing must be completely full of water at all times.

    If the sampling plan calls for multiple sample locations within the well screen, sampling should proceed from the top location to the bottom location. This will require that additional tubing be coiled at the surface to allow for pump relocation to the next deeper sampling location. In these instances, the coiled tubing must be protected from ambient conditions and the ground surface, in order to avoid impact to the WQIPs and sample data.

    The tubing’s material of construction must be either Teflon® or Teflon®-lined polyethylene up to the flow-through cell. This is consistent with collection of any groundwater sample. Tubing downstream of the flow cell may be constructed of a lower-quality, more flexible material. However, when sampling for metals analysis only, the tubing may be constructed of flexible polypropylene or polyethylene.

    Tubing "reuse" is not recommended when sampling well-to-well since decontamination of tubing is difficult and time consuming. If tubing is to be reused, it must undergo a rigorous decontamination procedure, which must include a hot water wash/hot air drying process. In addition to the hot water wash/hot air drying, separate decontamination solutions of acetone and nitric acid may have to be pumped through the tubing for 15 minutes, followed by copious amounts of distilled, deionized water rinses. The cost of labor associated with decontamination, including the special handling of cleaning solvents and acid, often exceeds the cost of simply discarding the old tubing and using new tubing for each well. If a decision is made to reuse tubing, then one of the following requirements in the USGS "Water-Quality National Field Manual" [ref] must be considered: 1) Collect additional field blanks if VOC concentrations in the last sample collected through the tubing are greater than 500 µg/L, or 2) The tubing should be replaced, rather than cleaned, if VOC concentrations in the last sample exceed 700 microg/L.