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Guidance Documents Low-Flow Purging & Sampling Guidance (December 2003)Part 5


Low-Flow Purging and Sampling
B. Specific LFPS Considerations (cont.)

  1. Pump Decontamination

    The pump forms one of the two key elements of sampling equipment (tubing is the other). The importance of proper pump decontamination is especially true when pumps are rented and utilized on a well-to-well basis. Never assume that rented pumps have been thoroughly cleaned. Pumps constructed with plastic parts, or sealed inner workings that are inaccessible to direct handling are not an option for LFPS well-to-well consideration because of their limited ability to be decontaminated thoroughly.

    Most bladder pumps can not be easily decontaminated in the field due to their unique construction. For that reason, bladder pumps are not employed on a well-to-well basis unless they are constructed with easy to clean parts and disposable bladders. Bladder pumps are best suited for dedicated (permanently installed) scenarios. Another popular pump, the variable-speed, 2-inch diameter submersible, is more adaptable for well-to-well sampling; however, close attention to decontamination is warranted. One manufacturer, Grundfos®, clearly states in the operational handbook that the pump must be completely disassembled, including removal of the motor shaft from the stator housing, and all components within the impeller housing. Care must be taken upon reassembly to insure that the cavity housing the motor shaft is completely refilled with distilled/deionized water. Care must also be taken with this pump during periods of cold weather to avoid freezing of the coolant water. Proper decontamination not only helps to ensure more reliable data; it also prolongs the life of any pump.

  2. Field Blank Collection

    When employing LFPS techniques, collection of the field blank must follow the same general rules for all groundwater sampling equipment. This includes the requirement that "all" sampling equipment, which comes in contact with the sample, must also come into contact with the field blank water. To overcome some of the difficulties that manual field blank collection through the inside of a pumping system creates, the following procedure is strongly recommended. Fill a 1000-ml decontaminated, graduated glass cylinder with method blank water supplied by the laboratory performing the analysis. Place a properly decontaminated pump into the graduated cylinder with sample tubing and plumbing fittings attached. Activate the pump and collect the required field blank samples. As the water is removed from the cylinder, replace it with additional method blank water. This procedure will require that the laboratory supply larger volumes of field blank water i.e., bulk water in liter or 4-liter containers. The traditional requirement that field blank water be supplied in the same identical containers as the sample being collected can not be practically satisfied when using LFSP. The identical bottle-to-bottle field blank requirement is waived for this sampling technique procedure only.
  3. Tips

    1. Temperature Measurement and Submersible Pumps

      Variable-speed submersible pumps such as the Grundfos® Redi Flo 2 pump use water to cool the motor during operation. Sometimes, reduced flow rates may result in insufficient cooling of the motor and may elevate the temperature of the water to a point where it may begin to affect sample integrity. If the pump is used in low-yielding, two (2)- or four (4)- inch-diameter wells, temperature increases that do not stabilize may result. If this is observed, a field decision must be made to either discontinue or continue with LFPS. If all other WQIPs have stabilized, then collecting the sample and qualifying the water-quality data accordingly may be acceptable. If the temperature increase continues and eventually exceeds 40% of the initial recorded temperature (Celsius) and other WQIPs have not stabilized, sampling should be discontinued. Turning the pump off and on to control overheating is not acceptable. Always keep in mind that elevated temperature has a direct relationship with dissolved oxygen, specific conductance and, to a lesser degree, pH measurement. Higher temperatures may also reduce the concentrations of volatile organic compounds in groundwater samples due to their relatively high Henry’s Law constants. If sampling with submersible pumps continues to result in elevated water temperature, other sampling alternatives should be discussed with the appropriate regulatory program.

      When using some submersible pumps in large-diameter wells (six inch and greater), overheating of the motor, followed by mechanical shutdown and possible motor damage, may occur. This is the result of water being drawn to the pump intake in a more horizontal flow pattern which diminishes the design feature that normally moves cool water vertically across the motor (stator) housing. The use of specially designed shrouds may overcome this condition.

    2. Control of Pump Speed

      In order to achieve the high turning speeds, low-speed startup torque is generally lacking in some submersible pumps including the Grundfos® Redi Flo 2 pump. When attempting to control initial drawdown and/or sample flow rates, it is possible for the pump to cease pumping. Then, if a check valve has been installed, the pump may not have enough torque to overcome the head pressure when attempting to restart it. Sometimes, turning the pump to the highest speeds will overcome this situation or sometimes the pump may have to be pulled from the well and reinstalled. Neither of these corrective measures is conducive to LFPS. To avoid this scenario, make sure the control box comes equipped with a "ten turn pot" frequency adjustment knob. This will allow significantly greater control over pump speeds and the risk of losing pump flow will be reduced.

    3. pH

      Monitoring for stabilization of pH in groundwater is relatively straightforward and rarely requires serious troubleshooting. When calibrating for pH, do a two-point calibration, at a minimum. The calibration range should bracket the anticipated pH. If the pH is unknown, then a three-point calibration must be made. The temperature of the buffer solutions should be as close to the temperature of the groundwater as possible. If the probe does not calibrate properly, check to make sure that the probe's electrical contact points are dry. As with preventative maintenance of any probe, make sure that the pH probe is rinsed with distilled/deionized water between use and cleaned periodically per the manufacturer's specifications. Overnight storage generally requires placement of the probe into a 2-molar (M) solution of potassium chloride. This solution may cause an unwanted build up of salt, therefore, frequent rinsing is necessary.

    4. Temperature of Calibration Solutions

      Correct field measurement of dissolved oxygen, conductivity and pH requires tight control over calibration solution temperature. Proper calibration calls for solution temperatures of these parameters to be the same as the groundwater being measured. This may be difficult to achieve when field sampling well-to-well as groundwater temperature can vary between wells based on depth, local setting (asphalt vs. open field) and other atmospheric and hydrogeological factors. In addition, it is logistically difficult to bring solutions to groundwater temperature at the point of pump intake without first installing the pump, collecting purge water and allowing sufficient time to bring calibration solutions to appropriate temperatures.

      For the purposes of LFPS in New Jersey, calibration solution temperatures and the flow-through cell itself must be maintained at approximately 54° F (12° C ± 2° C) during calibration. When ambient conditions warrant, this will require the suspension of the solutions and flow-through cell in a container/bucket of water at the aforementioned temperature. When calibrating for dissolved oxygen, always make sure the cell is vented to the atmosphere by attaching short pieces of tubing to the inlet and outlet fittings while the cell is submerged.

      During the purge phase, record the difference between the stabilized temperature and the temperature of the calibration solutions. This information must be presented to the end user. If the sampling event is extended for two or more days, appropriate adjustments can then be made to more accurately reflect the groundwater temperature during calibration.

  4. Low Flow Purging and Sampling for Low Yielding Wells

    The principal focus of water supply well installation is well yield. In contrast, the principal focus of monitor well installation is water quality; well yield is of secondary importance. In an attempt to locate and delineate groundwater contamination, monitor wells are frequently installed in low-yielding water-bearing zones.

    Low-yield wells present challenges with respect to representative groundwater sample collection. The removal of water by bailers draws down the water level in the well by slug- type increments. Peristaltic pumps draw water out of the well by vacuum (negative pressure) which may result in degassing and VOC loss. The operation of variable-speed, submersible pumps at low flow rates may result in heating of the sample as it flows around and through the pump, which may also lead to degassing and VOC loss.

    Wells that yield less than 0.1 l/min (100ml/min) frequently incur significant drawdown during well purging. If drawdown occurs across the screened interval or open borehole of a well, VOC loss may result. The increased stress on a well caused by significant drawdown may also result in an increase in water turbidity. In an effort to facilitate the collection of a representative groundwater sample from low-yielding wells, NJDEP will allow special sampling procedures to be used. This may include sample collection without regard to monitoring WQIPs associated with well stabilization.

    At a minimum, water-quality data, well-construction data, water-level data, and accurate well-yield data for each low-yielding well will need to be submitted to the Department prior to the development of an acceptable sampling procedure. Since sample collection may begin almost as soon as purging is initiated, it is imperative that the exact interval where the sample will be collected along the screen be predetermined. Aside from the considerations for monitoring drawdown and WQIPs, all other LFPS considerations discussed above apply here as well. The owner of the well shall also propose possible explanations for the low yield of the well(s). Once the aforementioned information has been received, the Department will work with the well owner to formulate an acceptable sampling plan. The sampling plans will be approved on a case-by-case basis and will be well-specific. Implementation of any special sampling procedure or use of any special sampling equipment shall not be performed without prior NJDEP approval.