HazsiteSRP-EDI ManualAppendix 3 HZRESULT Valid Values
Appendix 3.5: Possible laboratory-generated quality control sample values
RESULTTYPE – Type and Descriptions
- laboratory replicate
- laboratory duplicate
- laboratory fortified sample matrix spike (LFM)
- laboratory fortified blank (LFB)
- matrix spike (MS)
- matrix spike duplicate (MSD)
- laboratory control sample (LCS)
- laboratory control sample duplicate (LCSD)
- preparation blank
- extraction blank
- method blank (MB)
- laboratory reagent blank (LRB)
- instrument blank (IB)
- calibration blank (CB)
- initial calibration verification (ICV)
- continuing calibration verification (CCV)
- blank spike (BS or LCS)
- blank spike duplicate (BSD or LCSD)
- reporting limit laboratory control sample (RLLCS)
- quality control sample (QCS, a blind sample generated by a third party outside the laboratory)