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SRP Publications Annual Reports 1998

III. Progress at Contaminated Sites


The Site Remediation Program maintains a Comprehensive Site List (CSL) database that contains more than 30,000 sites in New Jersey. This year, for general reporting purposes, sites on the CSL are divided into three categories: No Further Action (NFA) sites, assigned to program sites and awating assignment sites. Figure 4 compares the CSL status as of June 30, 1997 with the status at the end of December 1998 (the latest data available for reporting purposes). The Site Remediation Program issued 3,349 NFA designations during the 18-month period.

NFA sites do not require remedial activities to be conducted at this time and now represent 62 percent of the CSL universe. An NFA designation is given when all remedial activities that were necessary to address any environmental concerns have been completed. An NFA designation also may be given where it is determined that regulatory requirements have been satisfied.

Sites awaiting assignment require further remedial activities and will be assigned an active status when a private party agrees to conduct any required work or if the site becomes a priority for publicly funded action by the Department. This category represents the smallest component of the CSL universe, about seven percent.

Assigned to program sites are active sites with remedial measures underway. They are either known contaminated sites or sites that have suspected contamination. Assigned to program sites represent 31 percent of the CSL universe. A listing of a majority of these sites is made available to the public in a document entitled Known Contaminated Sites in New Jersey. The latest edition, dated September 1997, for the first time provides those known contaminated sites that received an NFA designation during State Fiscal Year 1997 (SFY97), which runs from July 1, 1996 to June 30, 1997. It also identifies whether land use restrictions, known as institutional controls, were a condition of the NFA designation.

A 1998 edition of Known Contaminated Sites in New Jersey was not produced and a 1999 edition is scheduled to be released in the fall, which also will include for the first time a listing of all properties with institutional controls, known as environmental Deed Notices.

Figure 4


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