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SRRA Remedial Priority Scoring SystemRequest for Participation in RPS Team


Request for Participation in Remedial Priority System Team
June 1, 2010

Pursuant to the Site Remediation Reform Act, the Department of Environmental Protection is developing a system that ranks contaminated sites by category. As a first step, the Department has developed a computer-based model utilizing GIS layers and digital data to meet this mandate. The system is unique in its use of spatial information, traditional database systems, and automation to evaluate a site's potential impact on the surrounding land and community.

A public meeting was held on May 24, 2010 at which time the Department explained the system and demonstrated the technologies and rational behind its development. The Department is now forming stakeholder teams to evaluate the appropriateness of this first model and solicit ideas for its further development. The teams will ensure the Remedial Priority System meets legislated objectives and supports a broad, scientific understanding of site risk. Our goal is to include participants from varied backgrounds, perspectives, and disciplines to support a comprehensive review of current methodologies, potential improvements, and future direction. We are seeking individuals with the following backgrounds:

  • GIS capabilities
  • Management of digital environmental data
  • Ground water modeling
  • Human and/or Ecological Risk assessment
  • Remediation Project Management
  • Field sampling strategy and data analysis
  • Community Relations

To be considered, please provide the materials listed below:

  • Name, telephone, e-mail, affiliation or business, and mailing address
  • A brief statement describing why you seek to participate
  • A description of relevant experience

Candidates will be selected based on experience and the need to represent multiple stakeholder groups, including, but not limited to - the consulting community, business community, environmental advocacy groups, environmental justice and community organizations, as well as members of the legal community.

Please respond no later than June 18, 2010 to:

Include in the e-mail Subject line "RPS Team" to ensure your message is properly routed.
