Disability Information Hub

Individuals with disabilities or access and functional needs may find themselves particularly vulnerable when disasters or other emergencies occur. New Jersey, the federal government, and other organizations have created specific programs to address the needs of individuals with access and functional needs when disasters or emergencies occur. 


This page contains resources on how to prepare for a disaster or emergency as a person with a disability or access and functional needs. Below, you can also find a disaster preparedness checklist to help ensure that you are ready when a disaster or emergency occurs. 


Get Help Now 

  • For information on developing individualized disaster preparedness plans, contact your county Office of Emergency Management Coordinator using the contact information found on this website
  • For more information about how to register with Register Ready, a resource that alerts emergency managers and first responders to your disability-specific needs, call 211 or visit the Register Ready website 


Register Ready 

Register Ready is a confidential and secure database designed to help emergency managers and first responders plan for and support people who have disabilities and access and functional needs (DAFN) who may need assistance in the event of a disaster. Permanent and seasonal New Jersey residents with DAFN as well as individuals with a temporary disability are encouraged to register. 

Individuals can register at no cost at Register Ready or by calling 211. 

The Register Ready brochure is available in nine different languages and can be accessed here. 


State Resources


        Federal Resources


        Local Resources

        • American Red Cross www.redcross.org
        • Residential Disability and Oxygen Emblems Program: The Division of Fire Safety distributes emblems you can display to alert first responders of an oxygen hazard or that an individual with a disability resides in the home. Emblems are distributed free of charge. An application can be obtained online. For more information, contact the Division of Fire Safety at (609) 633-6106.
        • Substance Abuse and Mental Health


          Disaster Preparedness Checklist for People with Disabilities

          The following list is intended to provide suggestions for disaster preparedness planning that may be taken by individuals with disabilities.



          • Discuss your disability and needs with relatives and friends.
          • Develop a network of people who know your needs and location, who will be able to assist you or alert emergency personnel on your behalf. Do not depend on only one person.


          Medical Equipment and Supplies

          • Evaluate equipment for repairs and obtain and keep spare parts.
          • Order the full allotment of supplies that your insurance allows, such as protective briefs, leg bags, suction tubing, hearing aid batteries, etc. Stockpile unused items.
          • Assemble a first aid kit. It should include: absorbent compress dressings, sterile adhesive bandages in assorted sizes, adhesive cloth tape, antibiotic ointment, antiseptic wipes, aspirin, emergency blanket, breathing barrier (with one-way valve), cold compress, latex gloves (2 pairs), hydrocortisone ointment packets, roller bandages, sterile gauze pads, oral thermometer, triangular bandages, tweezers, and an emergency first aid guide.
          • Service animals always should wear an identification tag with all necessary contact information. Keep your pet’s and service animal’s medical records current, including vaccination records and rabies tag number. Your animal will need at least three days’ worth of food and water, kept in sturdy storage The amount of water your pet will need may vary. For example, dogs need at least 1oz of water for each pound of body weight. Be sure to figure out how much food and water you will need for 3 days.
          • Create a Go Bag for your Service Animal with food, water, blanket, waste bags, animal’s working gear, medications, medical records, veterinarian, and ownership agency contact information.
          • Visit the NJDA Animal Emergency Website for more information on animal emergency preparedness.



          • Extended power outages may affect ventilators, heating and/or cooling units, which may be a matter of life or death for some people with disabilities. Contact your utility provider if you require power to support your special need or circumstance.
          • Familiarize yourself with emergency plans where you live, work, and in your community.
          • Consider staying at a hotel or with friends or family out of your area if you anticipate possible power outages, especially if you have medical equipment that is dependent upon power.
          • If you use a ventilator or have other complex needs that you cannot manage on your own, you may consider contacting a care facility for temporary assistance.
          • Contact your local Emergency Management Coordinator or call 211 for information on what people with disabilities should do during power outages.
          • Keep clear pathways in your home to allow for safer mobility if lighting is affected.



          • Buildings where oxygen is kept must display an “Oxygen in Use” emblem.
          • Oxygen must be kept in containers specifically manufactured for that purpose.
          • Alert emergency response staff to the use of oxygen.
          • Consider having a backup power source for your oxygen concentrator.
          • Oxygen is flammable, so avoid sparks and Demand that people not smoke near an oxygen container.



          • Keep battery-operated flashlights and/or lanterns with lots of extra batteries.
          • Blankets and warm clothes should be packed in an emergency.
          • Keep the gas tank in your car full.
          • Have a battery-powered radio and extra batteries on hand.
          • Keep ample cash on-hand. ATMs and banks may not function during power outages.
          • Have a non-electric can opener.
          • Keep a supply of assorted plastic bags.

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