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News Release

New Jersey Department of
Banking and Insurance

Acting Commissioner Marlene Caride

For Immediate Release:
April 13, 2018

For Further Information:
Trish Graber or Marshall McKnight (609) 292-5064

Acting Commissioner Caride Encourages Financial Capability During Tour of
Junior Achievement of New Jersey Education Center

EDISON — Department of Banking and Insurance Acting Commissioner Marlene Caride today toured the Junior Achievement (JA) of New Jersey Education Center as part of the Department’s effort to empower New Jerseyans of all ages during National Financial Capability Month. Acting Commissioner Caride spoke to Middle School and High School students about the importance of smart money management through budget setting and saving.

“This is where empowerment through financial success begins with effective, hands on learning opportunities like Junior Achievement of New Jersey’s BizTown and Finance Park,” said Acting Commissioner Caride. “The skills young adults develop through these activities and their classes in school will help them make well informed, savvy financial decisions for the rest of their lives.”

Acting Commissioner Caride visited BizTown, a simulated mini-city that culminates the experiential learning curriculum for New Jersey 5th and 6th graders. Following 13-teacher taught lessons, the BizTown curriculum takes students on a day-long field trip to the JA of New Jersey Education Center where they learn about work readiness, entrepreneurship and financial capability. Acting Commissioner Caride observed middle school students from Leonard V. Moore Middle School in Roselle operate the simulated city through a typical business day.

Meanwhile, Finance Park hosted more than 100 students from James J. Ferris High School in Jersey City. Finance Park is the culmination of a four-week financial literacy program taught at high schools across the State. On the final day of the course, students visit the JA of New Jersey Finance Park where volunteers assist them in making simulated financial decisions. Caride spoke with the students during a break in their activities to urge them to begin seriously considering financial decisions such as health insurance enrollment, auto and renters insurance shopping, in addition to developing careful spending and saving habits.

“Financial empowerment is about understanding the importance of creating a budget, sticking to it, and paying yourself first when you receive income,” said Caride. “It’s also about learning to guard against future financial setbacks when an emergency occurs, whether it is an auto collision, illness or a weather-related event.”

Junior Achievement of New Jersey, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating young people about business economics and free enterprise, partners with the Department on many Financial Capability programs. Through a dedicated volunteer network, JA of New Jersey offers in-school and after-school classes for students in grades K-12 including financial programs which it conducts with DOBI and the business community. JA Finance Park, which made its debut in Newark in February 2009, reaches tens of thousands of students every school year.

Acting Commissioner Caride’s visit is part of the Department’s ongoing Financial Capability effort. For the last 11 years, the Department has conducted financial capability programs for high school students and has spoken to thousands of students in school across the State about topics including basic personal finance, the importance of credit and how to manage credit cards. The Department expanded the programs to include senior citizens and college students. This month, the Department is expanding its Financial Capability message in a roundtable for adult citizens who are not yet seniors, but are beyond the typical college age.

For more information on financial services such as insurance, banking and real estate, New Jersey consumers can call the Department at 1-800-446-7467 or go online at:

Above, left to right, Catherine Milone, President, Junior Achievement of New Jersey; Acting Commissioner Caride and Stephanie Karpowicz, Senior Director, Capstone Programs, Junior Achievement of New Jersey at the Edison Education Center.

At right, Daniel Mercedes, senior at James J. Ferris High School in Jersey City receives coaching from Acting Commissioner Caride on making smart financial choices at a Junior Achievement of New Jersey Finance Park kiosk.

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