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Administrative Agreements

Delaware River Basin Compact

Sections 1.5 and 3.9 of the Delaware River Basin Compact (Compact) authorize and encourage coordination and cooperation between government agencies. 

Section 1.5 provides in relevant part that "the Commission is authorized and directed to utilize and employ [the existing] offices and agencies [of government] for the purpose of this compact to the fullest extent it finds feasible and advantageous." 

Section 3.9 provides that "[t]he Commission shall promote and aid the coordination of the activities and programs of federal, state, municipal and private agencies concerned with water resources administration in the Basin."

Rules of Practice and Procedure

Section 401.33 of DRBC's Rules of Practice and Procedure (RPP) expressly authorizes and directs the Executive Director to enter into Administrative Agreements (AA) with federal and state regulatory agencies to accomplish objectives of the Compact.

The Commission has entered into Administrative Agreements to accomplish these objectives, which align well with Compact objectives and include procedural efficiency, elimination of unnecessary duplication of staff functions and achievement of the same or improved environmental outcomes.

One Process/One Permit Program

On December 9, 2015, the Commissioners approved amendments to the RPP that authorizes the One Process/One Permit Program; the program became effective March 4, 2016.

The objective of the One Process/One Permit Program is to provide for close collaboration on shared mission objectives and the issuance of a single approval instrument incorporating the applicable requirements of the two authorities.

Participation in the One Process/One Permit Program by signatory party agencies is voluntary, and the scope of a signatory party agency's participation will be defined by a new AA between DRBC and the agency after the agreement undergoes a duly noticed public hearing.

Related Resources

Administrative Agreement(s) Under the One Process/One Permit Program

New Jersey

New York

Administrative Agreement(s) Not Under the One Process/One Permit Program

