Delaware • New Jersey • Pennsylvania
New York • United States of America
William J. Muszynski joined the Delaware River Basin Commission in January 2004 on a two-year temporary assignment from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Region 2 to serve as the Special Projects Coordinator and to lead the Commission's Project Review Branch. In April 2006, Mr. Muszynski joined the Commission staff on a permanent basis. He is the Branch Manager for the Water Resource Management Branch (WRMB), which includes the Project Review and the Operations Sections. The WRMB responsibilities include the review of all projects (water withdrawal, wastewater discharge, etc.) in the Delaware River Basin, the operation of water storage facilities, the development and implementation of drought operation and flood loss reduction plans, supervision of the Commission's water charging program, and the development and support of flow augmentation policy.
Prior to joining the Commission, Mr. Muszynski held positions with the Federal Power Commission, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the EPA. As an environmental engineer at EPA, he served as the Municipal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Section and Branch Chief of wastewater construction grant programs, with subsequent appointments as Deputy Director and Director of the Water Management Division. In 1985 he was appointed Deputy Regional Administrator and served as Acting Regional Administrator from August 1988 to October 1989, January 1993 to April 1994, and January 2001 to November 2001.
As Deputy Regional Administrator of Region 2 of the EPA, Mr. Muszynski's responsibilities were wide-ranging. In cooperation with state and regional authorities in New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and federally recognized Indian Nations, Region 2 administers federal programs governing air and water pollution, industrial discharges, toxic substances, pesticides, protection of streams, lakes and the ocean, solid and hazardous wastes, the cleanup of chemical spills and abandoned hazardous waste sites, and much more.
Mr. Muszynski served on the EPA's Science Policy Council, the Risk Management Council, chaired the Agency's Risk Training Committee, and was a member of EPA's Strategic Planning Task Force and Senior Leadership Council. He also participated in cooperative international initiatives in the Caribbean and Eastern Europe (Poland and Bulgaria) and has served on the White House's Interagency Group on Insular Affairs.
Mr. Muszynski holds both a B.S. (1968) and M.C.E. (1972) from the Newark College of Engineering (now known as the New Jersey Institute of Technology). He is a licensed professional engineer in the state of New Jersey and serves on the Executive Board of the New Jersey Water Environment Association.
His numerous awards include: the Presidential Rank Distinguished Executive in the Senior Executive Service for noteworthy achievement in public service (1999), the Meritorious Executive in the Senior Executive Service (1989 and 1994), the EPA Gold Medal for Exceptional Service (1990), and three EPA Bronze Medals for Commendable Service.
Copyright © Delaware River Basin Commission,
P.O. Box 7360, West Trenton, NJ 08628-0360
Phone (609)883-9500; Fax (609)883-9522
Thanks to NJ for hosting the DRBC website