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- Background and Purpose
- Developing the Climate Resilience Plan (CRP)
- CRP Phase 1: Announcements and Updates
- Climate Resilience Plan Resources
At its 2024 second quarter business meeting, the DRBC unanimously approved a resolution directing staff to develop a Climate Resilience Plan (CRP).
The CRP will connect multiple water resource impacts under one umbrella. DRBC's activities will focus on water resource matters within the authority and jurisdiction of the Commission and will complement the efforts being made by Commission members.
The CRP will include:
- Prioritized actions for evaluating impacts of climate change and formulating management approaches to improve resilience and adaptation to a changing climate
- Consultation with ACCC and other stakeholders
- Funding priorities and timing
Actions within the Commission's authority may include:
- Flow and drought management
- Flood loss
- Water quality
- Water use and water efficiency
- Water equity and environmental justice
- Regulations
The CRP will be developed in at least 2 phases, with Phase 1 kicking off in 2025. Each phase will include public input components. All timing is subject to change.
Phase 1 - Framework
- Timing: 2025
- Scope: Scoping phase. Develop topics and scope of the Plan.
- Public engagement: January - June 2025. Broad informal input sought on scope and topics. Online comment card and DRBC- hosted listening sessions.
Phase 2 - Vulnerability Assessment and Gap Analysis
- Timing: Beginning 2025 after competion of Phase 1
- Scope: Develop a prioritized list of actions and activities
- Public engagement: Yes, details TBD
Phase 3 – Revise, Update and Share
- Timing: TBD
- Scope: Final plan, refined from Phases 1 and 2
- Public engagement: Yes, details TBD
In parallel, DRBC staff will continue to advance ongoing climate-related work, and the Commission will consider actions as surfaced throughout the CRP process. DRBC will include updates and work plans through its annual Water Resources Program based on available capacity and funding.
Public Input
- Submit your thoughts on climate change using DRBC's online comment card, here:
- We will soon be sharing a tentative schedule for public input sessions - stay tuned!
- We can present to your group or event – please reach out to arrange a speaker.
- Sign up to hear about Climate Resilience Plan updates here: (select "DRBC Climate Resilience Plan" listserv, but feel free to sign up for others too!)
Check back frequently for updates.
Check out the following resources about climate resilience planning:
- Resolution 2024-4: A Resolution directing staff to develop a Climate Resilience Plan that includes elements related to planning, consultation, outreach, education and rulemaking concerning climate change:
- News Release, Delaware River Basin Commission to develop its first Climate Resilience Plan, June 13, 2024:
- A Draft Framework for Developing DRBC's Climate Resilience Plan - Sarah Beganskas, Ph.D., DRBC Senior Water Resource Scientist and Kevin Pregent, Esq., DRBC Associate Counsel:
- Delaware's Climate Action Plan; Focusing on Water-Related Actions and Projects - Robert Scarborough, Ph.D., Environmental Scientist V, Resource Protection Section, Division of Water, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control:
- Adaptation and Resilience Planning and Regulation for Water Resources in New York - Mark Lowery, Assistant Director, Office of Climate Change, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation:
- Article about the DRBC's Climate Resilience Plan, Partnership for the Delaware Estuary's 2024 Third Quarter Newsletter:
- Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed Forum, September 2024, DRBC Climate Change panel:
- DRBC's Climate Hub:
Copyright © Delaware River Basin Commission,
P.O. Box 7360, West Trenton, NJ 08628-0360
Phone (609)883-9500; Fax (609)883-9522
Thanks to NJ for hosting the DRBC website