Delaware • New Jersey • Pennsylvania
New York • United States of America
The DRBC released its 2017 Annual Report - Value Throughout the Year - highlighting the Commission's ongoing activities, results, and leadership in ensuring the continued health and sustainability of the water resources of the Delaware River Basin, a 13,539 square-mile watershed spanning four states.
Through the DRBC, the basin states and federal government continue to collectively manage this shared resource effectively together. This report emphasizes DRBC's efforts and results to improve water quality and to provide a reliable water supply to the approximately 15 million people regionally who are affected by the use, conservation, and management of the basin’s water resources.
View the 2017 Annual Report:
DRBC's 2017 Annual Report - Value Throughout the Year (pdf 5.4 MB)
Copyright © Delaware River Basin Commission,
P.O. Box 7360, West Trenton, NJ 08628-0360
Phone (609)883-9500; Fax (609)883-9522
Thanks to NJ for hosting the DRBC website