New Jersey Department of Education

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AchieveNJ Data Card

The AchieveNJ Data Cards can be accessed in the NJDOE Homeroom website.

The primary purpose of the AchieveNJ Data Card is to provide a snapshot view of a district's certified AchieveNJ Data. The AchieveNJ Data Cards include the past three years of district-certified evaluation data and may be used by authorized school district personnel to;

  • Examine trends in evaluation information in one comprehensive document,
  • Promote conversations regarding evaluation efficacy in relation to student achievement, and
  • Encourage actions to improve evaluation accuracy and usefulness.

AchieveNJ Data Cards are maintained on a secure website application and are for district use only; they are not for public release.

For information on how to interpret the data cards, please read the AchieveNJ Data Card Guidebook.