How to Submit a Reportable Event/NoviSurvey Access Request:
Contact to register.
Once you register, you will receive a NoviSurvey Email Invitation/link to use for all your reportable event submissions from now on.
This link will direct you to the NoviSurvey reportable events survey. You will no longer need to provide a facility specific id /key code to access and submit your reportable events. The survey content, however, remains the same.
The link you receive is specific to you and your facility. Do not share it with internal or external parties. Maintaining the confidentiality of this link is imperative for protecting the integrity of your submissions and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.
Please Note: This form is not for reportable communicable diseases or outbreaks; contact your local health department for such cases here.
Please Note: As per NJAC 8:43E-10.11(e) for reportable communicable diseases or outbreaks; you must also contact your local health department for such cases here.