WHEREAS, Reorganization
Plan (No. 002-1991) is due to become effective on August 19, 1991
in order to enhance the coordination and integration of the State's
utility, environmental and energy policies; and
provisions of this Plan with respect to the operations and organization
of the Board of Regulatory Commissioners and the Department of Environmental
Protection and Energy warrant further clarification and specificity;
WHEREAS, implementation
of this Plan requires the coordinated efforts and assistance of
other departments and agencies of the Executive Branch; and
prompt, efficient and effective implementation of the Plan is in
the best interest of the State particularly during this difficult
fiscal period;
I, JAMES J. FLORIO, Governor of the State of New Jersey, by virtue
of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and by the Statutes
of this State, do hereby ORDER and DIRECT:
1. All departments
and agencies of the Executive Branch shall --
a. Take
all actions reasonably necessary and appropriate for the effective
implementation of Reorganization Plan (No. 002-1991), and provide
any assistance, as may be appropriate and requested by the Board
of Regulatory Commissioners (the Board) or the Department of
Environmental Protection and Energy (the Department), or both,
to implement the provisions of the Plan.
b. Use
the title "Board of Regulatory Commissioners" and "Department
of Environmental Protection and Energy" when referring to the
Board or the Department, as the case may be, in rules and regulations,
orders, directives and other official correspondence, reports,
documents and writings.
c. Use
the title "Chairman" or "Chairwoman" as the case may be, when
referring to the designated presiding officer of the Board.
2. The Board
of Regulatory Commissioners and the Department of Environmental
Protection and Energy shall --
a. Assume
and fulfill the responsibilities assigned to each agency pursuant
to the provisions of the Plan, under which the regulatory decision-making
functions of the Board shall be independent of any supervision
or control by the Department or the Commissioner or any officer
or employee thereof or any other department or agency of the
Executive Branch of State Government. The Board shall exercise
these functions with respect to rates, mergers, acquisitions,
certificates, and all other regulatory matters under the jurisdiction
of the Board through the technical utility regulation units
assigned to the Board, including Gas, Electric, Water and Sewer,
and Telecommunications and Cable Television.
b. Enter
into a protocol, which shall --
identify the duties and responsibilities of the personnel
who shall perform the budgetary, fiscal, personnel and day-to-day
administrative responsibilities of the Board and the Department
provide for the performance of these responsibilities and
other staff support services, including but not limited to
the services of the Office of the Economist, in a manner that
ensures the Board's control over the information, analysis
and research services needed by the Board to perform its regulatory
functions under the Plan;
include a personnel allocation plan which identifies each
position assigned to the Board as of August 19, 1991 and allocates
each of these positions to one of the following categories:
I - Utility Ratemaking Positions Class II - Support Positions
Class III - Consolidated Positions
I positions shall be designated as Board of Regulatory Commissioners
positions, and shall remain under the direct control of the
Board. Class I shall include all positions in the technical
utility regulation units which have been assigned to the Board.
All decisions concerning the assignment, hiring or termination
of personnel in such positions shall reside solely with the
Commissioners of the Board in accordance with uniform personnel
policies and practices that shall be adopted by the Board
pursuant to subsection b. of section 3 of this Order.
II positions shall be support positions which will be centralized
within the Department under the control and supervision of
the Commissioner, and shall include, but not be limited to,
positions assigned to the Board of Public Utilities' Office
of the Economist, Division of Audits, Office of Public Information
and Bureau of Customer Assistance. These positions shall perform
support staff functions that are consistent with their job
title and classification and in accordance with the provisions
of the protocol; provided, however, that the Commissioner
shall ensure that the services provided to the Board are adequate
for the Board to carry out its lawful responsibilities in
a timely manner.
III positions are consolidated positions and shall include
but not be limited to positions assigned to the Board's Division
of Administration, Division of Operations and Office of Employee
Relations. Class III positions shall be assigned to the Department
under the control and supervision of the Commissioner. These
positions shall perform clerical and administrative support
functions for both the Board and the Department in a manner
that is consistent with their respective job title and classification
and the protocol.
set forth procedures by which the Board shall receive services
and information from the Department.
A copy
of the written protocol developed pursuant to this section
shall be forwarded for review to the Office of the Governor
within 30 days of the effective date of this Order.
3. The Board
of Regulatory Commissioners shall --
a. Make
annual budget recommendations to the Governor for review and
recommendation for approval in the same manner as all other
proposed departmental budgets; and
b. Adopt
personnel policies and practices governing the employment in
Class I positions, provided that the employment policies and
practices of the Board shall not be inconsistent with the employment
policies and practices of the Department.
4. The Department
of Personnel shall forthwith confer with the Department of Environmental
Protection and Energy and the Chairman of the Board of Regulatory
Commissioners and take appropriate actions to assure that job
titles, classifications, assignments and other personnel-related
actions are taken on an expedited basis in order to implement
the objectives of the Plan.
5. The Department
of Treasury, General Services Administration, shall forthwith
confer with the Department of Environmental Protection and Energy
and the Chairman of the Board of Regulatory Commissioners to provide
adequate office space for the Department and the Board, both in
the City of Trenton and the City of Newark, in order to effectuate
the objectives of the Plan. Additionally, the Office of General
Services Administration shall allocate office resources as may
be necessary to provide for the timely transfer of personnel,
office equipment and office furnishings among and between the
various offices of the Department and the Board to implement the
6. The Department
of Treasury, Office of Management and Budget, shall forthwith
confer with the Department of Environmental Protection and Energy
and the Chairman of the Board of Regulatory Commissioners and
take appropriate actions to assure that accounts, budget categories,
classifications and other appropriate financial systems are established
to effectuate the goals and provisions of the Plan.
7. This
Order shall take effect on the effective date of Reorganization
Plan (No. 002-1991).
under my hand and seal this
14th day of August in the Year of Our
Lord, one thousand nine hundred and
ninety-one, and of the Independence
of the United States, the two hundred
and sixteenth.
James J. Florio
Andrew Weber
Counsel to the Governor