of New Jersey
Order #26
Governor James
E. McGreevey
WHEREAS, the Open Public Records Act, Chapter 404, P.L.
2001, became effective on July 8, 2002; and
WHEREAS, that Act authorizes the Governor to exempt
certain government records from public access by Executive
Order; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to that authority, Executive Order
No. 21 was issued on July 5, 2002; and
WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 21 exempted certain
records of the Office of the Governor from public
disclosure; and
WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 21 further exempted from
disclosure home addresses and telephone numbers of
individual citizens, as well as their social security
numbers; and
WHEREAS, since the issuance of Executive Order No. 21,
this Administration has continued to engage in a
constructive dialogue with representatives of the media and
other advocates of open government concerning the proper
implementation of the Open Public Records Act and Executive
Order No. 21; and
WHEREAS, discussions following the issuance of
Executive Order No. 21 have demonstrated the need to clarify
certain provisions of that Executive Order; and
WHEREAS, this Administration remains committed to open,
accessible government, and to ensuring the successful
implementation of the Open Public Records Act;
State of New Jersey, by virtue of the authority vested in me
by the Constitution and by the Statutes of this State, do
hereby ORDER and DIRECT:
- Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Executive Order No. 21 are
hereby rescinded and replaced with the following
- In addition to those records of the Office of the
Governor that are exempted by the provisions of the
Open Public Records Act, the following records
maintained by the Office of the Governor, or part
thereof, shall not be deemed to be government records
under the provisions of Chapter 404, P.L. 2001, and
Chapter 73, P.L. 1963, and thus shall not be subject to
public inspection, copying or examination:
- Any record made, maintained, kept on
file or received by the Office of the Governor in
the course of its official business which is
subject to an executive privilege or grant of
confidentiality established or recognized by the
Constitution of this State, statute, court rules
or judicial case law.
- All
portions of records, including electronic
communications, that contain advisory,
consultative or deliberative information or other
records protected by a recognized
- All
portions of records containing information
provided by an identifiable natural person outside
the Office of the Governor which contains
information that the sender is not required by law
to transmit and which would constitute a clearly
unwarranted invasion of personal privacy if
- If
any of the foregoing records shall contain
information not exempted by the provision of the
Open Public Records Act or the preceding
subparagraphs (a), (b) or (c) hereof then, in such
event, that portion of the record so exempt shall
be deleted or excised and access to the remainder
of the record shall be promptly
- No public agency shall disclose the resumes,
applications for employment or other information concerning
job applicants while a recruitment search is ongoing. The
resumes of successful candidates shall be disclosed once the
successful candidate is hired. The resumes of unsuccessful
candidates may be disclosed after the search has been
concluded and the position has been filled, but only where
the unsuccessful candidate has consented to such
- The following records shall not be considered
to be government records subject to public access pursuant
to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq., as amended and supplemented:
- Records of complaints and
investigations undertaken pursuant to the
Model Procedures for Internal Complaints
Alleging Discrimination, Harassment or
Hostile Enviroments in accordance with the
State Policy Prohibiting Discrimination,
Harassment and Hostile Environments in the
Workplace adopted by Executive Order No. 106
(Whitman 1999), whether open, closed or
- Information concerning
individuals as follows:
- Information relating to medical,
psychiatric or psychological history,
diagnosis, treatment or
- Information in a personal income
or other tax return;
- Information describing a natural
person's finances, income, assets,
liabilities, net worth, bank balances,
financial history or activities, or
creditworthiness, except as otherwise
required by law to be
- Test questions, scoring keys and
other examination data pertaining to the
administration of an examination for public
employment or licensing.
- Records of a department or
agency in the possession of another
department or agency when those records are
made confidential by a regulation of that
department or agency adopted pursuant to
N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq. and Executive Order
No. 9 (Hughes 1963), or pursuant to another
law authorizing the department or agency to
make records confidential or exempt from
- Records of a department or
agency held by the Office of Information
Technology (OIT) or the State Records Storage
Center of the Division of Archives and
Records Management (DARM) in the Department
of State, or an offsite storage facility
outside of the regular business office of the
agency. Such records shall remain the legal
property of the department or agency and be
accessible for inspection or copying only
through a request to the proper custodian of
the department or agency. In the event that
records of a department or agency have been
or shall be transferred to and accessioned by
the State Archives in the Division of
Archives and Records Management, all such
records shall become the legal property of
the State Archives, and requests for access
to them shall be submitted directly to the
State Archives.
- The Privacy Study Commission created by Chapter
404, P.L. 2001, is hereby directed to promptly study
the issue of whether and to what extent the home
address and home telephone number of citizens should be
made publicly available by public agencies and to
report back to the Governor and the Legislature within
six months.
- The remaining provisions of Executive Order No. 21
are hereby continued to the extent that they are not
inconsistent with this Executive Order.
- This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.
GIVEN, under my hand and seal this
13th day of August in the Year of Our Lord, Two
Thousand and Two, and of the Independence of the United
States, the Two Hundred and Twenty-Seventh.
/s/ James E. McGreevey
/s/ Paul A. Levinsohn
Chief Counsel to the Governor