of New Jersey
Order #96
James E. McGreevey
WHEREAS, the State of New Jersey is committed to ensuring that all of
its citizens receive equal protection under the law; enjoy a healthy environment;
and given opportunities for consistent input into governmental decision-making;
WHEREAS, New Jersey's communities of color and low-income communities
have historically been located in areas of the State having a higher density
of known contaminated sites as compared to other communities, with the
accompanying potential for increased environmental and public health impacts;
WHEREAS, studies by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
and other federal agencies have documented that the prevalence of childhood
asthma is increasing, and that this increase is linked in part to poor
air quality, and that prevalence is far higher for Black and Latino/Hispanic
communities; and
WHEREAS, the Federal government has underscored the importance of Environmental
Justice in Executive Order 12898 and created the National Environmental
Justice Advisory Council to integrate environmental justice into the Environmental
Protection Agency's policies, programs, initiatives and activities; and
WHEREAS, the State of New Jersey is committed to ensuring that communities
of color and low-income communities are afforded fair treatment and meaningful
involvement in decision-making regardless of race, color, ethnicity, religion,
income or education level; and
WHEREAS, the State of New Jersey is further committed to promoting the
protection of human health and the environment, empowerment via public
involvement, and the dissemination of relevant information to inform and
educate, especially in people of color and low-income communities; and
WHEREAS, the State of New Jersey is committed to enabling our older
urban and suburban centers to be made more attractive and vital, creating
a broader range of choices and more livable communities for families and
businesses in New Jersey, consistent with the State Development and Redevelopment
Plan and principles of Smart Growth; and
WHEREAS, the cumulative impact of multiple sources of exposure to environmental
hazards in low-income and people of color communities, and the roles of
multiple agencies in addressing the causes and factors that compromise
environmental health and quality of life in these communities require
an interagency response; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), the Department of
Environmental Protection (DEP), the Department of Health and Senior Services
(DHSS), and the Department of Law and Public Safety (DL&PS) have entered
into collaborative interagency work to address environmental health and
quality of life issues in communities of color and low income, such as
in the City of Camden and other urban, suburban, and rural communities;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JAMES E. McGREEVEY, Governor of the State of New
Jersey, by the virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution
and by the Statutes of this State, do hereby ORDER and DIRECT:
- All Executive Branch departments, agencies, boards, commissions and
other bodies involved in decisions that may affect environmental quality
and public health shall provide meaningful opportunities for involvement
to all people regardless of race, color, ethnicity, religion, income,
or education level. Programs and policies to protect and promote protection
of human health and the environment shall be reviewed periodically to
ensure that program implementation and dissemination of information
meet the needs of low-income and communities of color, and seek to address
disproportionate exposure to environmental hazards.
- DEP and DHSS shall recognize the need to communicate significant
public health and environmental information in languages other than
English, by establishing Spanish-language websites.
- The DEP will use available environmental and public health data to
identify existing and proposed industrial and commercial facilities
and areas in communities of color and low-income communities for which
compliance, enforcement, remediation, siting and permitting strategies
will be targeted to address impacts from these facilities.
- Recognizing that there is greater reliance on subsistence fishing
among communities of color and low-income communities, DEP, DHSS, and
the Department of Agriculture, shall work together to develop and issue
appropriately protective fish consumption advisories and provide effective
risk communications, education programs and public information services
with an objective of consistency with neighboring states, to the greatest
extent possible.
- Recognizing the significant health implications of fine particulate
pollution, such as premature death and asthma, especially for urban
communities, DEP and the Department of Transportation (DOT) shall develop
a coordinated strategy for reducing the public's exposure to fine particulate
pollution in affected communities, particularly from diesel emissions
from stationary and mobile sources.
- The Commissioner of DEP and Commissioner of DHSS, or their appointed
designees, shall convene a multi-agency task force, to be named the
Environmental Justice Task Force, which will include senior management
designees, from the Office of Counsel to the Governor, the Attorney
General's office, the Departments of Environmental Protection, Human
Services, Community Affairs, Health and Senior Services, Agriculture,
Transportation, and Education. The Task Force shall be an advisory body,
the purpose of which is to make recommendations to State Agency heads
regarding actions to be taken to address environmental justice issues
consistent with agencies' existing statutory and regulatory authority.
The Task Force is authorized to consult with, and expand its membership
to, other State agencies as needed to address concerns raised in affected
- The Commissioner of DEP shall reconstitute the existing Environmental
Justice Advisory Council to the DEP, whose mission shall be to make
recommendations to the Commissioner and the Environmental Justice Task
Force in fulfillment of this Executive Order. The Advisory Council shall
consist of fifteen (15) individuals and shall meet quarterly. The Council
shall annually select a Chairperson from its membership and shall have
a minimum composition of one third membership from grassroots or faith-based
community organizations with additional membership to include membership
from the following communities: academic public health, statewide environmental,
civil rights and public health organizations; large and small business
and industry; municipal and county officials, and organized labor.
- Any community may file a petition with the Task Force that asserts
that residents and workers in the community are subject to disproportionate
adverse exposure to environmental health risks, or disproportionate
adverse effects resulting from the implementation of laws affecting
public health or the environment.
- Petitions shall be signed by fifty (50) or more residents or
workers, provided that at least twenty-five (25) are residents,
in the affected community;
- In consultation with the Environmental Justice Advisory Council,
the Task Force shall identify a set of communities from the petitions
filed, based on a selection criteria developed by the Task Force,
including consideration of state agency resource constraints;
- The Task Force shall meet directly with the selected communities
to understand their concerns. If desired by any of the selected
communities, the DEP and DHSS Commissioners shall establish a public
meeting in which the Environmental Justice Task Force shall hear
from the petitioners and evaluate the petitioners' claims. Where
the petitioners assert claims that lie predominantly within the
jurisdiction of an agency other than the Task Force Chair, the chair
shall include a senior management representative from the relevant
agency as a member of the Task Force;
- The Task Force shall develop an Action Plan for each of the selected
communities after consultation with the citizens, as well as local
and county government as relevant, that will address environmental,
social and economic factors that affect their health or environment.
The Action Plan shall clearly delineate the steps that will be taken
in each of the selected communities to reduce existing environmental
burdens and avoid or reduce the imposition of additional environmental
burdens through allocation of resources, exercise of regulatory
discretion, and development of new standards and protections. The
Action Plan, which shall be developed in consultation with the Environmental
Justice Advisory Council, will specify community deliverables, a
timeframe for implementation, and the justification and availability
of financial and other resources to implement the Plan within the
statutory and regulatory jurisdiction of the Departments of the
State of New Jersey. The Task Force shall present the Action Plan
to the relevant Departments, recommending its implementation;
- The Task Force shall monitor the implementation of each Action
Plan in the selected communities, and shall make recommendations
to the Departments as necessary to facilitate implementation of
the Action Plans. Departments shall implement the strategy to the
fullest extent practicable in light of statutory and resource constraints;
- As an integral part of each Action plan, DEP and DHSS shall jointly
develop a strategy to identify and reduce the most significant environmental
and public health risks facing each of the selected communities
through chronic health disease surveillance, health monitoring,
data gathering, community education and public participation;
- The Task Force shall identify and make recommendations concerning
legislative and regulatory changes appropriate to achieve the purposes
of this Order as well as the purposes of any particular Action Plan;
- The Task Force shall prepare and publicly release a report concerning
the status of the Action Plans within eighteen (18) months following
the establishment of the Task Force.
- All agencies will assist as appropriate in implementing this Order
and achieving its purposes. The actions mandated as a result of this
Executive Order shall be accomplished within the bounds of, and consistent
with, the legislative purpose supporting the relevant agency's existing
statutory and regulatory authority.
- Nothing in this Executive Order is intended to create a private right
of action to enforce any provision of this Order or any Action Plan
developed pursuant to this Order; nor is this Order intended to diminish
any existing legal rights or remedies.
- This Executive Order shall take effect immediately and shall remain
in effect for five years from its effective date.
GIVEN, under my hand and seal this 18th day of
February in the Year of Our Lord, Two Thousand
and Four, and of the Independence of the United
States, the Two Hundred and Twenty-Eighth.
/s/ James E. McGreevey
/s/ Michael R. DeCotiis
Chief Counsel to the Governor |