State of New Jersey is committed to providing every employee with
a workplace free from unlawful discrimination and harassment; and
State of New Jersey continues to recognize that unlawful discrimination
and harassment undermine the integrity of the employment relationship,
compromise equal employment opportunity, debilitate morale and interfere
with work productivity; and
State has an ongoing interest in maintaining a policy prohibiting
unlawful discrimination and harassment, encouraging the filing of
complaints alleging discrimination, discrimination or hostile work
environments in the workplace, and providing appropriate guidance
to its employees regarding prohibited activities, employee and supervisor
responsibilities, complaint procedures, and related issues of confidentiality,
retaliation, discipline and training; and
Department of Personnel has submitted a new State policy which prohibits
discrimination, harassment or hostile environments in the workplace,
and model procedures for filing internal complaints alleging discrimination,
harassment, or hostile environments in the workplace;
I, CHRISTINE TODD WHITMAN, Governor of the State of New Jersey,
by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
by the Statutes of this State, do hereby ORDER and DIRECT:
1. The New
Jersey State Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment or
Hostile Environments in the Workplace, and Model Procedures for
Internal Complaints Alleging Discrimination, Harassment or Hostile
Environments in the Workplace, submitted to me by Department of
Personnel Commissioner Janice Mitchell Mintz, is hereby authorized
and effective throughout the State.
2. This
Executive Order supercedes any and all executive orders and policies
inconsistent with the New Jersey State Policy Prohibiting Discrimination,
Harassment or Hostile Environments in the Workplace, and Model
Procedures for Internal Complaints Alleging Discrimination, Harassment
or Hostile Environments in the Workplace. All State departments,
commissions, State colleges, and authorities shall ensure that
their practices are in conformance with this mandate.
3. This
Executive Order shall take effect immediately.
under my hand and seal,
this 17th day of December in the
Year of Our Lord, One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Ninety-Nine, and
of the Independence of the United
States, the Two Hundred and Twenty Fourth.
Christine Todd Whitman
Attest: Richard
S. Mroz
Chief Counsel to the Governor