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Walk Safely Near Buses
Types of school buses
Is your child's bus safe?
Walk safely near buses
drive safely near buses

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What is the danger zone?

Most school bus-related accidents occur within a 10-foot radius around the bus, where the driver has limited visibility. This area is called the “danger zone.” It extends to 30 feet in front of the bus.

To avoids accidents, teach your child to use caution when getting on or off the bus and always to stay out of the danger zone.


Teach your children helpful hints
  • Stay outside the danger zone and wait for the driver’s signal when getting on the bus and stay in a single file line
  • When getting off the bus, look to both sides before stepping off to make sure no cars are passing
  • Before crossing the street, take 5 GIANT steps away from the bus or until you can see the driver's face. Wait for the driver’s signal to know that it is safe to cross
  • Look left-right-left when you reach the edge of the bus to make sure traffic has stopped
  • Continue to watch for traffic when crossing
  • Always be seated with seat belts fastened while the bus is moving