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November 4, 2002


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New Jersey Department of Transportation

Route 1 and 9 Merge

Frequently Asked Questions

What's going on?
We will widen Route 1 and Route 1 & 9 in the area of the Route 1 and Route 9 merge and will replace the existing Route 9 southbound bridge over Route 1 northbound with a new bridge.

What does this project include:

  • Construction of a new bridge carrying Route 1 over Route 9.

  • Removing the existing bridge carrying Route 9 over Route 1.

  • Widening Route 1 and Route 1 & 9 to provide three lanes and shoulders/auxiliary lanes in each direction.

  • Closing the Larson Road/Edward Street intersection with Route 9 northbound.

  • Closing the Julius Street/Jansen Avenue intersection with Route 9 southbound.

  • Closing the existing U-turn facility from Route 9 northbound to Route 9 southbound.

  • Prohibiting turns from Kimball Street onto Route 9 northbound.

How much does this cost?
It costs $14 million, funded by both state and federal sources.

When will this project be completed?
Fall 2002.

What are the traffic impacts of this construction?

  • Driveway access to all businesses will be maintained at all times during the project. 

  • Construction will require a single lane closure along Routes 1, 9 and 1 & 9 at various times.

  • For a short period (about 21 days), Route 9 southbound traffic will be detoured to Green Street.

How will motorists keep informed?

  • Variable message signs on the roadway

  • Radio traffic reports


How are impacts being minimized?

  • Night work
    Due to the high volume of traffic using both Route 1 and Route 9, this project will include night work to ensure the completion as quickly as possible. 

  • Noise Reduction
    Construction techniques have been selected which will reduce the noise impacts on area residents, however, some noise and construction zone lighting cannot be avoided.  

  • Quick Completion
    Through contract incentives, the NJDOT is committed to completing the construction as quickly as possible.