Highlands municipalities are eligible for grant funding to support the development and implementation of Stormwater Management Programs. Please contact Kelley Curran or your Highlands Council Liaison for more information.

2023 MS4 Permit Changes
Guidance Documents
Training Events and Materials
Implementation Funding Links
Additional Resource Links

2023 MS4 Permit Changes

The new municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permit became effective on January 1, 2023. Because proper stormwater management advances the goals and purposes of the Highlands Act and the Regional Master Plan (RMP), Highlands Council grant funding is available to supplement NJDEP funding for permit compliance. Please note: the Highlands Council funding request deadline is Friday, August 30, 2024. While all Highlands municipalities are eligible for this funding, should requests exceed available funding prioirty will be given to conforming municipalities. Please see additional information below.

Quick Start Steps

  1. Apply for NJDEP grant funding - the NJDEP funding request deadline is Sunday, June 30, 2024.
  2. Develop a timeline for completing permit requirements including all tasks, estimated costs and possible funding sources, keeping in mind that the Highlands Council can provide funding for any planning, design, and engineering work.
  3. Contact your Highlands Council Liaison for additional information and guidance.

Useful links



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Guidance Documents

Guidance documents for the development of these programs (including model scopes of work, ordinance amendments, mitigation planning guidance and BMP examples) are available below. 



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Training Events and Materials

June 2021 - Regional Stormwater Management Planning for the Highlands

September 2019 -  Mapping Your Municipal Stormwater Infrastructure


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Implementation Funding Links

Highlands Council grants can cover planning, design, and engineering costs. Below are links to potential sources of implementation funding.

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Additional Resource Links

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