N.J.A.C.  13:75-1.11
Attorneys next

 (a) Claimants have the right to be represented before the Board, or any member thereof, at all stages of proceedings, by an attorney-at-law, duly licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey, or qualified to make such an appearance pursuant to the Rules Governing the Courts of New Jersey, Rule 1:21-1(a).

 (b) The attorney shall file a notice of appearance, or when appropriate, notice of substitution prior to or at the time of his first appearance before the Board.

 (c) If any party designates an attorney to represent said party and such attorney has executed and filed with the Board the appropriate notice, such notice will remain in effect until: 

1. The party represented files with the Board a written revocation of the attorneys' authorization; or 

2.  The attorney files with the Board a written statement of his withdrawal from the case; or 

3.  The attorney states on the record at the Board hearing that he is withdrawing from a case; or

4.  The Board receives notice of the attorney's death or disqualification, and 

5.  The Board approves said attorney's removal from participation in the matter.

 (d) After the filing of a notice of appearance or substitution in accordance with this section and as long as such notice may remain in effect, copies of all written communications or notices to the party shall be sent to such attorney in lieu of the party so represented or to both the party and his attorney, at the Board's discretion. Service upon the attorney shall be service upon the party he represents.

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