N.J.A.S.  13:75-1.5  
Filing of Claims next
  1. All claim applications submitted prior to November 30, 1981, must have been filed within one year of the date of the incident upon which the claim is based.  All applications submitted on or after November 30, 1981, must be filed within two years after the date of the incident upon which the claim is based.  In either case, the Board may determine that good cause exists for a delayed filing.
  2. The incident must have been reported to the police within three months of its occurrence or the date from which the claimant had knowledge or reason to believe that a crime had occurred.
  3. All claims must be filed on official forms which include an authorization for securing medical and other necessary records and a subrogation agreement.  Having been completed, these should be forwarded to the office of the New Jersey Victims of Crime Compensation Board at either
  4.  50 Park Place, 5th floor, Newark, New Jersey 07102 or 225 East State Street, P.O.B.084, Trenton,
  5. New Jersey 08625, either in person or by mail.  The official forms may be obtained by requesting them at the stated addresses, pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 52:4B-22 or through the Board's official Internet website at www.njvictims.org  and e-mail address, njvictims@VCCA.org .  All forms should be returned within 30 days of the date original notification is given this office.
  6. If a claim is made by a minor, as defined under New Jersey law, the forms shall be signed by his parent or guardian unless New Jersey statutory provisions require otherwise.  If a claim is made by a person who is mentally incompetent, the forms shall be signed by his/her guardian or such individual who is authorized to administer his estate.
  7. At the time of filing the claim, the Victims Counseling Service shall provide, to the victim, counseling referral services as provided by N.J.S.A. 52:4B-25.
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