Moneys From Other Sources
The Victims of Crime Compensation Agency is the payer of last resort. The Board will award compensation for the balance of crime-related expenses not reimbursed first from other sources such as medical insurance or disability benefits.

"Source or sources" means a source of benefits or advantages which you have received as reimbursement for medical or economic loss which is available to you from, but not limited to the following sources:

Restitution from the offender which is payment made by assailants to their victims, as ordered by the court in a criminal proceeding. It may include compensation for property loss or damage, or for medical expenses. Restitution is now mandatory where the offender has the ability to pay. Please consult your County Victim-Witness Coordinator, in your County Prosecutor's Office.

The government or any agency of the United States, the State of New New Jersey or its political subdivisions, or of any two or more states

Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid

State disability insurance

Workers Compensation

Employer or Union Local disability programs

Insurance payable to the victim for a loss sustained because of the crime

A contract providing prepaid hospital and other health care services or benefits for disability

Moneys received from any civil or related third party actions. However, the first $1000 recovered is not to be included as money received from another source. This applies even though a settlement or any other resolution of the action is worded to recover any economic loss, such as pain and suffering and property loss, which the Board does not compensate.