Preconditions for Eligibility
Your claim must be filed within two (2) years from the date of the personal injury or death, or after two (2) years if the Board determines that good cause existed for the delayed filing.

The crime must be reported to the police within three (3) months after it occurs, or within three (3) months from the time it was known, or from the time there was reason to believe, that a crime occurred.

For incidents prior to June 26, 1995, you must have suffered at least $100 in out-of-pocket medical expenses and/or two weeks continuous loss of earnings or support.

There are no minimum loss requirements for incidents occurring on or after June 26, 1995.

You must cooperate fully with the police and prosecutor's office; however, eligibility is not dependent upon conviction or prosecution of the offender.

Failure to cooperate with the Board investigator or failure to inform the Board of a change of address will result in a denial of compensation.

If you have any VCCA assessments imposed on you by the courts for prior convictions, you must pay them in full before you can receive any compensation.

The crime must occur in New Jersey, although you need not be a New Jersey resident; or you must be a New Jersey resident who became a victim in another state or jurisdiction that does not have a crime victim compensation program or has a program which has not provided full compensation for your crime-related losses.