If you would like to send a question to Unclaimed Property Administration, please complete the following form and provide all information necessary to process your request. Be sure to indicate the topic of your inquiry to ensure that your question is directed to the correct area. All Unclaimed Property Administration email requests will receive a response within 1 -2 business days.  (If you do not have an email address use the information located at the bottom of this page.)

NOTE: Please do not email requests to search for unclaimed property. If you’re attempting to look for unclaimed property please refer to our web search application.

Submitting Unclaimed Property Holder Reports: If you need to submit an Unclaimed Property Holder Report use e-mail address unclaimedreports@treas.nj.gov and refer to the instructions on page 44 of the current Holder packet.

Electronic Correspondence to
Unclaimed Property Administration

spacerFirst Name:
spacerLast Name:  
spacerSuite/PO Box:
spacerCounty: (required in NJ only)
spacerZip Code: -
spacerConfirm E-mail Address:
Please check your e-mail address carefully before you send your message.  When you contact Unclaimed Property Administration through the Web site we respond by e-mail.  If a response is required and you do not provide a valid e-mail address, we will not be able to reply to your inquiry.

Please write your message
Be sure to include enough information so that we can respond to your inquiry appropriately.



State of New Jersey
Unclaimed Property Administration
P.O. Box 214
Trenton, NJ  08625-0214
(609) 292-9200
(609) 984-0593 (Fax)