Office of the State Treasurer


November 16, 2006

Tom Vincz
(609) 633-6565

Interim Report Analyzes State Assets

 TRENTON –State Treasury Bradley Abelow has received an interim report from a financial advisor retained by Treasury – UBS Investment Bank -- to assist in the development of an asset and liability study. Following a more in-depth analysis of asset classes, assets and financial vehicles identified in this UBS report, the Treasurer will make recommendations to Governor Jon S. Corzine on what public-private partnership options could be pursued. The Governor directed the Treasurer to conduct the study as part of his address to the special property tax reform session of the Legislature in July, with the focus on reducing State debt and better meeting New Jersey’s capital needs. On November 1, the Treasurer and Transportation Commissioner Kris Kolluri indicated that the UBS interim study, when received, would be made available for review. A copy of the UBS report has been posted on the Treasury home page:

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