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NJ Shared Responsibility Requirement

Shared Responsibility Payment

Failure to have health coverage or qualify for an exemption may result in the assessment of a Shared Responsibility Payment (SRP) on your New Jersey Income Tax return.

Individuals who are not required to file a New Jersey Income Tax return are automatically exempt from the SRP.

The amount of the SRP is generally based on your income and family size and is capped at the statewide average annual premium for Bronze Health Plans in New Jersey.

While deciding on what’s right for you and your family, it is important to note that the SRP is subject to the same penalties and interest as New Jersey Individual Income Tax.

To calculate the SRP for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 or to estimate the SRP for 2024, visit our calculations page.

How Do I Calculate an Estimated Shared Responsibility Payment?

You are required to make a payment for the months that you and any family members do not have minimum essential coverage or a coverage exemption when you file your tax return.

The payment is set per criteria in the New Jersey Health Insurance Market Protection Act of 2018. The law states that your payment amount is capped at the cost of the statewide average annual premium for Bronze Health Plans in New Jersey.

The following are ranges of the SRP for the 2024 tax year:

Individual taxpayer:
  • Minimum: $695
  • Maximum: $3,960
Family with two adults and three dependents and household income of $200,000 or below:
  • Minimum: $2,351
  • Maximum: $4,500
Family with two adults and three dependents and household income of $200,001 to $400,000:
  • Minimum: $2,351
  • Maximum: $9,500
Family with two adults and three dependents and household income of $400,001 and above:
  • Minimum: $2,351
  • Maximum: $19,800

Note: Household income is the income of all members in a household, including dependents.

Paying the penalty

Your penalty amount will be calculated and entered on your 2024 New Jersey Income Tax return (Form NJ-1040). If you owe more than you are getting back in refund, pay the amount of tax due on the tax return. We will send a bill if the amount of tax due is not paid with the return.

Last Updated: Wednesday, 11/01/23