Although lead poisoning can be prevented, exposure to lead can seriously harm a child’s health. The key is to keep children from coming in contact with lead. If children are lead poisoned, they must be treated. Know the facts about children’s exposure to lead.
CDC - Know the Facts
CDC - Prevent Childhood Lead Poisoning
New Jersey Lead Resources
Federal Lead Resources
Water samples were collected from representative locations. Locations were selected based on where consumption is likely (i.e. kitchen, faculty room, water fountains). Two (2) samples were collected at each location. The first sample is a first-draw sampled collected from the tap after a minimum six (6) hour resting period. The second is a flush sample collected after running water for 30 seconds. For OOE schools where there were elevated levels of lead found during the initial sampling, further testing was completed throughout each school.
DCF has provided bottled water for drinking, medication, and food preparation in OOE schools where there were elevated levels of lead in the water. Additionally, water fountains have been turned off. In locations where water needs to remain on for non-consumption, we have placed signs advising that the water is safe for non-consumption, but not for drinking or food preparation.
Additionally, DCF partnered with DOH to provide no cost lead testing for all students and staff in the OOE schools where elevated lead levels were found.