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The New Jersey Domestic Violence Fatality and Near Fatality Board (Board) resides in the department but is independent of the department.  Established by law (N.J.S.A. 52-27D-43.17), the Board’s mission is to review the facts and circumstances surrounding domestic violence-related fatalities and near fatalities in New Jersey in order to identify their causes and their relationship to government and nongovernment service delivery systems, and to develop methods of prevention.

The responsibilities of the Board include the following:

  • Review and investigate fatalities and near fatalities for trends and patterns
  • Evaluate the responses of government and nongovernment service delivery systems to fatalities and near fatalities and offer recommendations for improvement of these responses;
  • Identify and characterize high-risk groups in order to develop public policy;
  • Collect statistical data, in a consistent and uniform manner, on the occurrence of fatalities and near fatalities; and
  • Improve collaboration between State and local agencies and organizations to develop initiatives to prevent domestic violence.

The Board Membership is multi-disciplinary and membership consists of ex-officio members and 8 public members with expertise in domestic violence that are appointed by the Governor.


2023 - Domestic Violence Fatality/Near Fatality Review Board Report: Older Adults   

2021 - 2022 Domestic Violence Fatality/Near Fatality Review Board Report: Intimate Partner Violence Ends in Homicide/Suicide   

2021 - Domestic Violence Fatality/Near Fatality Review Board Report  


2020 - Risk Factors of Intimate Partner Violence


2019 - Fatality by Strangulation


2018 - Intimate Partner Homicide in Immigrant Communities


2016 - Teen Dating Violence


2013 - Intimate Partner Violence in New Jersey’s African American Community


2010 - A report based on interviews with women who were nearly killed by their intimate partners


2009 - Findings and Recommendations of the New Jersey Fatality and Near Fatality Review Board


2006 Report


2003 - New Jersey Domestic Violence Fatality Near Fatality Review Board Report 


2001 - New Jersey Domestic Violence Fatality Near Fatality Review Board Report