Rulemaking Notices


New Jersey Early Intervention System (NJEIS) prepares an Annual Performance Report (APR) on the statewide performance of the Early Intervention System.

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Public Reporting

New Jersey Early Intervention System (NJEIS) prepares an Annual Performance Report (APR) on the statewide performance of the Early Intervention System.

State Performance Plan (SPP) and Annual Performance Report (APR)
Additional Reports

Part C 618 Data

Part C State Level Data
Part C Child Count and Settings
Part C Exiting
Part C Dispute Resolution

NJEIS Annual December 1 (618) Child Count Trend Data (Table 1)

NJEIS conducts an annual count of the child with an active Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). This count is conducted on December 1 of each year and is reported to Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). The reports below provide the data broken out by county.

  • Table 1 Child Count Report which includes:
    • December 1 child count by county, age and race/ethnicity;
    • December 1 child count by region, county, age and race/ethnicity;
    • December 1 child count by region, county, age and race/ethnicity Trend
  • APR Indicator 5 & 6: Percent of NJEIS population, Birth to 3, with IFSPs compared to census population by county
  • APR Indicator 5: Trend data on NJEIS population age 0<1 compared to census
  • APR Indicator 6: Trend data on NJEIS population age 0<3 compared to census

NJEIS Family Outcome Survey Data (APR Indicator 4)
Percent of responding families participating in Part C who report that early intervention services have helped the family:

4A. Know their rights
4B. Effectively communicate their children’s needs
4C. Help their children develop and learn

Family Outcome Survey

Family Outcome Survey Results

Family Outcome Trend Data


Language Acquisition Rating Report for Children with Hearing Loss

P.L. 2019, Chapter 205 states: “The Early Intervention Program in the Department of Health, established pursuant to section 2 of P.L.1993, c.309 16 (C.26:1A-36.7), shall annually collect and publicly report data on the language acquisition and developmental progress of infants and toddlers from birth to age two who are deaf or hard of hearing.”

Language Acquisition Rating Report 2023

Last Reviewed: 8/14/2024