New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs

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Korean War Veterans Honored 2018 - Page 1

Dam Jae Friends of Korean War Veterans (DJFKWV) from Korea visited the Menlo Park Veterans Memorial Home on Friday, March 9th to recognize residents that are Korean War Veterans. Thje delegation headed by DJFKWV chairman, Mr. Ho Myung Shim handed out medals from DJFKWV and the Ambassador of Peace medal from Korean Government. The organization wants Korean War veterans to feel appreciated, honored and proud of their service.

Dam Jae Friends of Korea War Veterans (DJFKWV) is a non-profit, private foundation organized to promote the appreciation of Korean People for those who fought for the freedom and democracy of Korean people. The members of DJKWV have visited and honored Korean War veterans in Turkey, England, Australia, Philippines, Canada, Puerto Rico, etc. DJFKWV plan to visit all 16 countries who sent their troops to Korea and honor KWVs before all of them fade away.