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The missing or alienated original documents listed below are public records of the State of New Jersey as defined by New Jersey Statutes 47:3-16 and subject to legal demand and recovery under 47:3-27 & 28. Be advised that New Jersey State Archives has reported the theft of these and other documents to the New Jersey State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This list and similar postings are not intended to represent the entirety of missing public documents of the State of New Jersey and its subdivisions. Further, this list and similar postings are not intended to necessarily represent the entirety of documents missing from specific record groups.

Please be advised, further, that New Jersey State Archives welcomes the voluntary return of public documents. For more information about statutory authority and procedures as well as amnesty and donations, click here.


Enrolled Laws of the State of New Jersey

19 September 1776 An Act for the Security of the Government of New Jersey.

20 September 1776 An Act to render certain Bills of Credit a legal Tender within this State, and to prevent the counterfeiting of the same, and other Bills of Credit.

13 February 1777 An Act for more effectually preventing disaffected and evil-minded Persons destroying the Credit and Circulation of the Continental Bills of Credit, and the Bills of Credit emitted by the late Congress of this State.

28 February 1777 An Act to empower the Marshal of the Court of Admiralty to secure and sell the Prize Vessel or Brigantine called Defiance, lately taken by the Militia of this State.

3 March 1777 An Act to empower the Inhabitants of Lower Penns Neck, in the County of Salem, to rebuild and keep in Repair the Bridge and Causeway in the Road leading from Stony-Island through the Township of Mannington, to the Salem Great Road.

5 June 1777 An Act to exempt a Number of Men, to be employed at the Iron Works at Batsto and Mountholly, in the County of Burlington, from actual Service in the Militia, under the Restrictions and Regulations therein mentioned.

7 June 1777 A Supplement to an Act, entitled, An Act to punish Traitors and disaffected Persons.

7 June 1777 An Act for defraying sundry Incidental Charges.

20 September 1777 An Act to revive and continue several Courts of Law, and for other Purposes therein mentioned.

20 September 1777 An Act to ascertain the Punishment for High Treason, and to establish the Word State instead of Colony in Commissions, Writs, and other Process, and for other Purposes therein mentioned.

7 October 1777 An Act to exempt a Number of Men to be employed at Mount Hope Furnaces and the Forges thereunto belonging, and the Hibernia Furnace, all in the County of Morris, from actual Service in the Militia, under the Restrictions and Regulations therein mentioned.

7 October 1777 An Act to incorporate the Battalions of Newark and Acquackanonk, in the County of Essex, into one Battalion.

10 October 1777 An Act for raising several Companies of Artillery, and also two Companies of Horse, in Addition to the three Companies heretofore embodied in this State.

25 November 1777 An Act to procure Articles of Cloathing for the Use of the New-Jersey Regiments on the Continental Establishment.

27 November 1777 An Act for the Support of Government of the State of New-Jersey, to commence the fourteenth Day of October, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-seven, and to end the second Tuesday in October, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-eight; and to discharge the publick Debts and contingent Charges thereof.

2 December 1777 An Act to exempt two Men to be employed at the Paper Mill belonging to William Shaffer, in the County of Middlesex.

9 December 1777 An Act to exempt Isaac Collins, and four Workmen to be employed in his Printing Office, from actual Service in the Militia.

Updated August 4, 2023

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