Mandatory Country of Origin Fish and Shellfish
View Powerpoint presentation on Country
of Origin Labeling Rule for Finfish and Shellfish.
interim final rule requiring country of origin labeling
for fish and shellfish will go into effect April 4, 2005.
The rule requires that products be labeled as to country
of origin and method of production (wild harvest or farm
raised). If you sell to a retail establishment that is covered
by a PACA (Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act) license,
your product must be identified as to country of origin
and method of production. There are approximately 4,500
PACA licensees that operate 37,000 retail stores. These
include stores engaged in the selling of fresh and frozen
fruits and vegetables at retail with an annual invoice value
of more than $230,000.
The PACA definition excludes butcher shops, FISH MARKETS,
exporters as well as foodservice establishments including
those within retail establishments.
Wild fish and shellfish must be derived exclusively from
fish or shellfish;
· Harvested in U.S. waters or by a U.S. flagged vessel;
· Processed in the U.S. or aboard a U.S. flagged
Farm-raised fish and shellfish must be derived exclusively
from fish or shellfish hatched, raised, harvested and processed
in the U.S.
Documentation must be sufficient to substantiate origin
claims and provide chain of custody information for the
specific lot number or other unique identifier of the product.
This is similar to the FDA Biosecurity requirements.
Complete information about the rule is available at