What is New Jersey Civil Service?
New Jersey Civil service is a system of public employment involving many State and local agencies. This system is designed to select and promote employees based on merit, safeguard the employment rights of permanent employees and ensure equal employment opportunity.
Where can I get a list of those New Jersey employers falling under New Jersey Civil Service?
A complete listing of the NJ Civil Service employers is posted on the CSC web site. The employers on this list are the only employers falling under the New Jersey civil service system. If your employer is not listed, you are not a New Jersey civil service employee. Also, if you are interested in applying for work with an employer that is not on the list of New Jersey civil service employers, then you are not applying for New Jersey civil service employment. The Civil Service Commission does not have the authority to handle employment questions or issues that do not involve New Jersey civil service employment.
Federal (U.S. government) agencies are not New Jersey Civil Service employers.
What is the Civil Service Commission?
The Civil Service Commission is a State agency which regulates the employment practices of New Jersey civil service employers. Employment practices are those policies of New Jersey civil service employment involving the hiring and firing of employees, as well as many policies concerning layoffs, paid and unpaid leave, equal employment opportunity, compensation, job duties, and job performance evaluations.
What kinds of New Jersey Civil Service issues or problems may be appealed to the Civil Service Commission?
What kinds of things involving New Jersey Civil Service employment have to be appealed to other agencies?
- Veterans Preference
- Family Leave
- Awards program
In general, do I need an attorney to represent me in an appeal?
You may represent yourself or be represented by an attorney or a union representative.
In general, do appeals have to be in writing?
Yes, all appeals must be submitted in writing. However, no form is required unless otherwise stated.
What are the fees for appeals?
The fee for appeals is $20. A list of appeal types and fees is available on our web site.
Appeals involving Civil Service can be mailed to the following address unless otherwise stated:
Civil Service Commission
Division of Appeals and Regulatory Affairs
P.O. Box 312
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0312
What if I disagree with the Civil Service Commission's decision on my appeal (any appeal)?
You may file a request with the Civil Service Commission for reconsideration of its decision [N.J.A.C. 4A:2-1.6] within 45 days of receiving it. You must show one of two things: new evidence or additional information not previously presented to the Civil Service Commission which would change the result of the appeal, plus the reason that this evidence was not presented earlier; or that the Civil Service Commission decision was a clear, material error. All copies of correspondence and other documents that you provide to the Civil Service Commission must also be provided to all other parties in the appeal.
Instead of a request for reconsideration, or following receipt of a Commission decision in a request for reconsideration, you may file a Notice of Appeal with the Superior Court, Appellate Division, within 45 days.