Eastern Tiger Salamander - February 2003 Species of the Month
Eastern Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) was February's Species
of the Month in honor of the 30th Anniversary
of the New Jersey Endangered Species Conservation Act and the formation
of DEP's Endangered and Nongame Species Program
Each winter a prehistoric-like scene
unfolds as adult tiger salamanders, resembling miniature dinosaurs, converge
upon woodland vernal (seasonal) ponds to breed. Habitat loss and water pollution
have led to the decline of tiger salamander populations in the southern portion
of New Jersey and by the mid-1970s their known historic breeding sites had been
reduced to half - 19 sites. Consequently, the Eastern Tiger Salamander was listed
as an endangered species in 1974 and still remains on the list. To stave off
the destruction of vernal ponds, the DEP recently adopted regulations that affords
them protection under the State Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act.
Eastern Tiger
Salamander – A Challenge in New Jersey
- Breeding needs or
habitat are impacted by water pollution, pesticides, roads, introductions
of fish, off-road vehicles and development, especially on private
- Some populations have
been saved from local extinction by the species ability to utilize
human-made pools as breeding ponds
- Activities affecting
a vernal (seasonal) pond that meet specific biological and physical
criteria are now restricted under the State Freshwater Wetlands
Protection Act
You Can Help |
how to conduct salamander and frog surveys at a vernal pond near you! For information e-mailvernalpools@yahoo.com. |
for wildlife when completing your state tax return each year! This is a primary
funding source for the preservation of the State’s endangered and
nongame wildlife. |
a Conserve Wildlife special
interest license plate for your vehicle. It’s tax-deductible,
with 80 percent of the payment benefiting New Jersey’s Endangered
and Nongame Species Program. |
Want to volunteer? Enjoy giving
presentations? Looking for speakers? The Division of Fish and Wildlife
offers two opportunities:The Endangered and Nongame
Species Program's
Speakers Bureau and the Division’s Wildlife
Conservation Corps. Visit these sites for details.
Additional Sources of Information |