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Excerpts from the Volunteer Newsletter
Summer 1997

Arline Zatz, Editor


Hank Bell has generously offered to conduct two fly fishing classes for any interested Division volunteers. Both classes — (June 28, 10 AM - Fly Fishing for Beginners, an introduction for anyone who would like to learn how to fly fish; and August 9, 10 AM - Intermediate Fly Fishing, for novice fly anglers who want to improve their skills) — will be held at Pequest. Each involves an indoor morning session and an outdoor afternoon fishing experience. Bring a bag lunch, your fly tying and fishing equipment (if you have it), and register for the class you’d like to attend by calling Pequest -- 908-637-4125 -- two weeks in advance.



The Division’s handsome full color 6x8 window plaque, designed in 5 colors with the Wildlife Conservation Corps’ logo, is here -- and is perfect for the rear window of your vehicle. Its 3 suction cups make it easy to remove and place onto another car. Send $19.95 for each plaque to Aim Uniform, PO Box 1361, Edison, NJ 08818, or call 908-985-7770. Allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.


Get in at the beginning! The newly-established Friends of Wildlife Volunteerism organization is seeking members to assist with organizational efforts. George Johnson of Trenton, the originator, notes that “this group will dedicate its efforts to the support of the Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife’s volunteer programs through sharing of expertise and financial support.” To help in setting up this non-profit organization and plan future activities, contact George Johnson at 609-396-9203.


Thanks to a grant from the New York/New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program, the Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife and the Division of Science and Research is offering 7 urban youth fishing programs this summer.

The goal of the program, scheduled for Jersey City, Newark, Secaucus, Perth Amboy, Bayonne, Elizabeth, and Rahway, is to build an awareness of the complexity and inter-related nature of the Harbor/Bight ecosystem. This will be done through actual fishing experiences for kids ages 8 to 14, acquainting them with their local waters while demonstrating the recreational value of catch and release fishing.

Your help is needed! Please volunteer 3 hours on one or more of the scheduled days by assisting Division personnel set up the equipment, teach the use of fishing equipment, and then help during an actual fishing experience. Also needed are volunteer photographers to catch the action. If interested, contact Kerry Kirk Pflugh at 609-633-2312.


The Bureau of Law Enforcement joins Safari Club International and the Conservation Law Enforcement Chiefs Association in awarding Conservation Officer Matt Brown the prestigious Conservation Officer of the Year Award.

Brown, presently assigned to southern Warren and northern Hunterdon Counties, has handled several important and involved investigations, including the successful prosecution of the responsible parties in an accidental school building shooting and a fatal archery hunting accident. In addition, Brown, a Rutgers University graduate, has supervised numerous volunteer deputy conservation officers and has volunteered, above and beyond his normal duties, to serve as firearms instructor, Northern region range coordinator, and computer technician. Over the past seven years, his positive attitude has always been evident.

Congratulations, Conservation Officer Matt Brown, for your fine work!


In 1995, the Fish and Game Council established an award to recognize a Deputy Conservation Officer who, through his commitment and dedication, has made a significant contribution to the protection of the State’s wildlife resources.

On June 9, 1995, John Manfredi was selected to receive the 1994 Deputy Conservation Officer of the Year Award. Manfredi, officially assigned to Conservation Officer (CO) Carmine LaCava in Middlesex County, has also worked with officers throughout the Central Region, assisted the Marine Region officers in Monmouth and Ocean Counties, and received a Command Citation from the Bureau of Law Enforcement for assisting CO LaCava in rescuing an elderly, partially-blind man from his burning home.

Over the past 20 years, Manfredi has participated in every major operation conducted in the Central Region and recently completed training certifying him as a firearms instructor. Presently he is pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice.

Brian Wotton, a Deputy since 1991 and assigned to CO Fresco, received the Central Region’s Deputy Conservation Officer of the Year Award in 1995.

Thank you both for your commitment!


Cindy Kuenstner reports that the Boy Scouts of America (Jersey Shore and George Washington Councils) were so pleased with the Hunter Education instructors last year, that they’re requesting us to conduct air rifle and archery ranges during their week-long day camps in Ocean, Atlantic, and Hunterdon Counties again this year.

If you’re available from 8:30 am to either noon or 3 pm during June, July, and August, call Cindy Kuenstner at the Outreach Office; 609-633-7598, and sign up to help introduce the scouts to responsible and fun shooting activities at the following camp locations:

Contact Paul Ritter at the Northern Region Office (908-735-6826) if you haven’t received all your class supplies, inform him of any changes you’d like to see implemented in the new course outlines and tests and, if you can volunteer to help with “live-fire” training in April at various locations throughout the state, give him a buzz.

Don Wilkinson at the Southern Region Office (SRO) is happy to announce that New Jersey is “leading the pack” in putting safe, responsible hunters in the field. This year, several new scannable forms will be utilized to simplify the complex process for the office staff as well as tracking additional information on you, your hours, and your students.

Bill DiMatteo has left for college and the SRO wishes him good luck with his career and thanks him for his past help.

Pat Carr advises that although the hunter harassment and interference with hunting activities has been illegal in New Jersey since 1993, the Rutgers Animal Rights Law Center in Newark has filed a civil action in Hudson County Superior Court challenging the state’s hunter harassment statute. This marks the first time a hunter harassment statute has been challenged citing the infringement of religious freedom. The plaintiff, Gloria Binkowski, serves on the Board of Directors of the Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights (AVAR). The suit alleges that this law infringes upon Ms. Binkowski’s First Amendment rights and her freedom of religion. AVAR opposes rodeos, horse racing, use of animals in research, dehorning and castration of livestock, dog racing, cat declawing, and rodent glue traps, as well as hunting and trapping.

Cindy Kuenstner submitted the following excerpt from Nevada Hunter Magazine: Most instructors worry how to pitch the class to students ranging in age from 10 to 80. No problem. Just use the “High-Low-Mini-mini-Haw-haw” technique.


by Arline Zatz

The Peterson FlashGuides, a revolutionary new tool for identifying birds, unfold easily to show at a glance all the birds of a type (such as hawks) or place (coast, mountains or backyard). Laminated for weather protection and durability, the FlashGuides — ideal when bird watching, canoeing, hiking, or simply when you want to travel light — are available at bookstores for $7.95 each and cover 50 to 100 or more species, with illustrations by Roger Tory Peterson and a brief survey of each bird’s distinctive habits and habitats.

Ruger and His Guns tells the story of William B. Ruger and the Company in 368 pages of lavish detail. The book features over 285 photos and a wealth of information about Ruger firearms and is the only authorized history of the Company yet written. Order from Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc., Book Sales, Lacey Place, Southport, CT 06490 at the special price of $50 each.

Black’s 1997 Fly Fishing Guide, the most detailed and comprehensive guide to fly fishing schools and instructors, is now available. In addition to the instruction section, it contains an equipment directory with profiles of companies and individuals supplying fly fishing equipment and services, plus a destination section describing lodges, outfitters/guides and fly tackle dealers worldwide. Available for $12.95 plus $4 shipping and handling from Wing & Clay, PO Box 2029, 43 West Front Street, Red Bank, NJ 07701, or call 800-224-9464.

Here and There

If you want to vacation inexpensively, yet have an exciting, luxurious time, do what I did this past December — rent a Jayco trailer from Sunbird RV, 1170 Route 36, Hazlet, NJ 07730; 908-888-9400 and head down to Florida’s west coast. Take a canoe (or rent one there). If you’re as lucky as we were, you’ll spot magnificent Great blue herons, ibis, egrets, and huge alligators. We paddled the marked water trail through Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge and, at one point, were totally surrounded by playful dolphins. Evenings were glorious, too; we totally enjoyed “roughing it” in the Jayco which was equipped with a microwave, hot-water heater, stereo, air-conditioning, and full bathroom facilities while camping at immaculate KOA campgrounds, Ocala National Forest, and Myakka River State Park. Call me if you want details @ 908-494-9258 or e-mail


For Sale:

Granger registered bamboo 9 ft. fly rod, mint condition with original case, German silver fittings and reel seat. Make an offer! 908-388-9272.

Thule Rack System for all Chrysler, Dodge or Plymouth Mini-Vans ‘91-95. Top of the line in excellent condition, $60. Draw-tight 1 1/4 class 2 trailer hitch, 2 years old, for ‘91-95 Chrysler line mini-vans. Call 908-494-7533.


WCC volunteer wants old fountain pens, ball points, and mechanical pencils (circa 1930-1980), including Parker, Waterman, Shaefer, and others. Call 908-388-9272, leave message.

Trap thrower; small roto-tiller; 908-494-9258.

20 gallon or larger aquarium to hold a corn snake used in educational programs at the Tuckahoe field office, or a volunteer to build one; 609-628-2103.

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