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SRP Brownfields Brownfields News

Trenton, NJ: The Site of a National Brownfield Success!

  Before and After Photos of the West Ward Site

A US federal Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields grant helped a tract of land in Trenton, New Jersey to go from an abandoned service station to a local firehouse. The West Ward neighborhood lot's development had been hampered by four underground storage tanks and contaminated soil. The EPA worked with NJ state and Trenton City agencies to clean up the property. The city, then, built a much-needed firehouse there. In dedicating the new facility, Mayor Doug Palmer noted that fire-response times in the West Ward would now drop from 4-5 minutes to under two minutes.

(The above news item is based upon a news blurb on the USEPA Region 2 site.)

Trenton Mayor’s Press Release (via the USEPA Region 2 site; PDF)